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词汇 functions
例句 I sometimes attend official functions with my wife.我有时带妻子一道出席盛大的正式聚会。A government functions through numerous divisions.政府通过许多部门进行工作。The legislature functions as the nation's lawmaking body.立法机构的职能是为国家立法。The magazine functions as the official organ of the tobacco industry.那份杂志是烟草业的官方刊物。His job combines the functions of a manager and a worker.他既当经理又当工人。All members carry out their own particular functions.所有成员都有各自的职责要履行。One of the important functions of government is legislation.政府的重要职能之一是立法。The shell surrounding the egg has many important functions.包裹着鸡蛋的壳有许多重要功能。The long boom of the crane functions like our arms.起重机的长臂与我们的手臂功能相同。The spacious lobby also functions as a display area.宽敞的门厅同时也是一个展区。Part of her duties is attending official state functions.她的部分职责是出席官方的国宴。He has a very good idea of how it functions.他非常了解它的工作原理。The complexities of the functions of the human body boggle the imagination.人体功能的复杂令人难以想象。She loves to horn in on her husband's official functions.她老爱干预她丈夫的公务。One third of the room functions as workspace.房间的三分之一用作工作场所。Some mobile phones are equipped with selfie functions.有些手机有自拍的功能。I attended many social functions while working abroad.我在国外工作期间出席了许多社交会。More studies will be required before we know what the functions of these genes are and whether they relate to each other.要弄清这些基因的功能以及它们彼此之间是否关联,我们还需要开展更多的研究。Attempts to correlate specific language functions with particular parts of the brain have not advanced very far.人们试图将特定的语言功能与大脑的特定部位相关联,但至今并未取得太大进展。Fortunately, his head injuries left his bodily functions unimpaired.幸运的是他头部的伤没有影响到身体功能。We have strengthened the service and coordinating functions of such intermediary organizations.我们强化了这类中介机构的服务与协调功能。They went to several functions during their college reunion weekend.在与大学校友聚会的那个周末,他们参加了多个社交活动。The new machine functions well.新机器运转良好。Word Perfect uses invisible codes for many different functions.完美文字处理软件的许多不同功能都用了隐形代码。The organization functions primarily through volunteer efforts.这个组织主要通过志愿者发挥作用。What functions do these programs fulfill/perform/serve?这些程序有什么用?The brain functions as a computer.大脑像计算机一样运行。The sofa functions as a bed at night.这沙发在夜里可以当床。Because of their omnifarious functions, many nations are keen on developing drones.因为它有多方面的功能,许多国家都热衷于发展无人机。The child was not able to speak, walk properly or control bodily functions.这孩子无法正常说话、行走,大小便失禁。The European institutions have enlarged their scope and their functions.那些欧洲机构扩展了自己的业务领域和职责范围。The left and right sides of the brain have different functions.左脑和右脑功能不同。She strove to perform all her wifely functions perfectly.她努力做一个无可挑剔的贤妻。Trigonometry concerns the functions of angles, such as sine, cosine, and tangent.三角学研究的是角的函数,例如正弦、余弦和正切。He was carrying out his functions as a trustee in the course of his business, rather than as a private individual.他在自己的业务办理过程中是作为受托人而不是个人在履行职责。Free radicals have the ability to disrupt bodily functions.游离基能破坏身体的机能。We've met at both business and social functions.我们在商业和社交场合都见过面。You'll soon learn how the office functions.你很快就会了解办事处的运作了。This room may be hired for weddings and other functions.这个房间可以租来举办婚礼或其他活动。An attributive noun functions as an adjective.定语性名词起形容词作用。




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