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词汇 functioning
例句 The economy is functioning very poorly.经济运行很糟糕。Flight engineers monitor the engines, fuel consumption, and functioning of aircraft systems during flight.飞行工程师在飞行过程中监控发动机的运行、燃料消耗情况和飞机系统的运转。His new kidney began functioning immediately.他新换的肾脏立即开始发挥作用。The authorities say the prison is now functioning normally.当局称监狱现在运转正常。He's one of the most dynamically imaginative jazz pianists still functioning.他是当下仍旧活跃的最有闯劲、最具想象力的爵士乐钢琴师之一。The computer network is not yet fully functioning.计算机网络现在还没有完全正常运转。They are not functioning at their optimum.他们并非在最有效地工作。Flights in and out of Taipei are functioning normally again.进出台北的航班又恢复正常了。The authorities say the prison is now functioning normally.当局表示这所监狱目前正常运行。Now that the quarterback has recovered from his injury, this week the team will be functioning at full strength again. 既然四分卫的伤势已经恢复,本周球队将再次全员上阵。We need to get this department functioning efficiently.我们需要让这个部门高效地运转。Vaginal agenesis can be corrected by surgery to create a functioning vagina.阴道发育不全可以通过以手术新建一个有功能的阴道来解决。All the instruments were functioning normally.所有的仪器都在正常工作。Problems arise when the body's immune system is not functioning adequately.免疫系统不能充分发挥作用时,身体就会出现问题。The group has now become a fully functioning political organization.这一团体现已成为全面运作的政治组织。The European Space Agency said that a vital piece of equipment on the craft had stopped functioning.欧洲航天局说飞船上有一个极其重要的设备失灵了。A library is functioning as a temporary hospital to cope with casualties.一个图书馆被用作临时医院,以处置伤亡人员。This area is always tender to the touch if the intestines are not functioning properly.如果肠功能不正常,这个部位碰一下就会感到疼痛。The system was clearly not functioning smoothly or transparently.该系统显然运行并不顺畅,也不明晰。Her heart now seems to be functioning normally.她的心脏现在似乎工作正常。The television was functioning normally until yesterday.一直到昨天电视机还一切正常。Nicotine adversely affects the functioning of the heart and arteries.尼古丁会对心脏及动脉功能造成损害。




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