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例句 We fully recognize the need to improve communications.我们充分意识到需要改善通讯。This hotel fully deserves its four-star grading.这家酒店完全配得上其四星评级。We need to exploit existing technologies more fully.我们需要更充分地利用现有的技术。Next year, fully three-quarters of the jobs will be unfilled.明年,至少有四分之三的工作将没人干。The computer network is fully functional.计算机网络运行十分正常。During the strike, the media kept the public fully informed about the situation.罢工期间,新闻媒体随时向公众详尽报道形势的进展。Hard evidence for this has still not been fully documented.有关此事的确凿证据尚未充分记录在案。It's wise to take a fully charged spare battery with you.随身带一块充满电的备用电池是明智之举。My time is fully engaged.我的时间完全被占用了。The Estonian parliament has passed a resolution declaring the republic fully independent.爱沙尼亚议会已经通过了宣布共和国完全独立的决议。He fell into the swimming pool fully clothed.他穿着衣服掉进了游泳池。The flood was a calamity from which Bangladesh has never fully recovered.这次洪水是一场飞来横祸,孟加拉国再也没有完全恢复过来。With regard to his suggestions we shall discuss them fully.关于他的建议,我们将充分地讨论。The new airport should be fully operational by next year.新机场将于明年完全投入使用。The psychological effects on the United States were immense and in Washington the wounds have still not fully healed.对美国造成的心理影响是巨大的,在华盛顿创伤仍未完全弥合。The company Jack worked for gave him fully paid leave during his wife's illness.妻子生病期间,杰克所在的公司给了他带薪假。He hasn't fully recovered from his illness.他还没有从疾病中完全恢复过来。You need a colour television to fully appreciate nature programmes.你需要一台彩色电视来尽情观赏描述大自然的节目。The men have been fully briefed about the intended mission.有关要执行的任务,士兵们已经得到很详尽的指示。All our employees are fully acquainted with the safety procedures.我们所有的雇员都充分了解安全程序。I'm fully confident of winning the title.我对赢取冠军信心十足。I'd like to fully develop my idea before discussing it.在讨论前我想充分阐述自己的看法。US forces are fully prepared for the execution of any action once the order is given.美军作好了充分准备,一旦命令下达,可执行任何任务。The doctors say it will be a long time before she's fully fit, but at least she's turned the corner.医生说她还需很长的时间才能完全康复,但是她的病情至少已经好转。He is able to fully comprehend what is happening and react appropriately.他能够充分理解当前的形势,并做出恰当的反应。He emerged fully armed from his foxhole.他全副武装从散兵坑里出来。The boat comes fully found, ready to go.这条船买来时已完全装备好,随时可以出发。The plan came in a flash of inspiration, fully formed.这个计划是灵机一动想出来的,构想完整。Parenting is not fully valued by society.养儿育女没有得到社会的充分重视。The fact that he has fully recovered makes me feel good.他已痊愈,真令我高兴。He came fully awake to hear the bath running.他完全清醒了,听见浴缸里的水在流。The company is a fully bonded member of the Association of British Travel Agents.这家公司是英国旅行社协会的完全担保会员。Changes were taking place, though at the time no one fully appreciated how far-reaching these changes were to be.变化正在发生,可是当时没有人充分意识到这些变化的意义有多深远。She lay down on her bed, fully dressed.她和衣躺到床上。He paused momentarily to check that his listeners had fully appreciated the humour of his remark.他停了一会儿,看看听众是否完全领会他话中的幽默。The computer network is not yet fully functioning.计算机网络现在还没有完全正常运转。She has fully recovered from her recent indisposition.她最近偶染微恙,现已完全复原。This process is fully described in section three of the book.这本书第三部分完整地描述了这一过程。We are fully committed to Equal Opportunity policies.我们完全支持机会均等政策。Each site has a fully trained team who work under a site manager.每个网站都有一支训练有素的队伍,由一位网站经理负责。




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