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词汇 fullest
例句 This is a tragedy in the fullest sense of the word.从任何意义上讲,这都是个悲剧。I pulled out the telescopic aerial to its fullest extent.我把那根套管式天线全部拉出。He believes in living life to the fullest. 他相信人活着就该活得精彩。I hope that you'll give us your fullest cooperation.我希望你能全力跟我们合作。He swore to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. 他发誓要最充分地运用法律手段控告他们。In one of his paintings his genius for bringing realism and vitality to mythological themes reached its fullest expression.在他的一幅画里,他那把神话题材处理得真实生动的才华得到了最充分的体现。She likes to live life to the fullest.她喜欢尽情享受生活。Birds exploit these wind patterns to the fullest.鸟类对各种风型的利用达到了极致。He lived life to the full/fullest. 他充分享受生活。Open the table to its fullest extent.把桌子完全打开。The new concept of form reached its fullest expression in the work of Picasso.形式的新概念在毕加索的作品中得到了最充分的表达。The fullest exposition of Coleridge's thought can be found in the States-man's Manual.柯尔律治的思想可以在《政治家手册》中找到最全面的阐述。Man Ray explored the capabilities of the camera to their fullest extent.曼·雷对照相机的性能作了极其深入的研究。




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