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It's described on the label as "light, fruity wine".标签上写着“浓郁醇香的低度葡萄酒”。This wine has a delicious fruity flavour.这种酒有一种可口的水果香味。Jerrold laughed again, a solid, fruity laugh.杰罗尔德又笑了,声音浑厚而圆润。This wine has a full fruity flavour.这种葡萄酒有浓郁的水果香味。This shampoo smells fruity and leaves the hair beautifully silky.这款洗发水是果香型的,洗后头发如丝般顺滑。The wine has a lively fruity flavour.这葡萄酒有一股浓郁的果味。This Australian Chardonnay is elegantly fruity with good acidity.这种澳大利亚霞多丽酒味醇,酸度恰好。He was well known for his fruity jokes.他爱讲黄色笑话是出了名的。She acts a little fruity.她的举止有些古怪。They served a deliciously fruity dessert.他们上了一道美味的水果甜点。The wine has a fruity aroma.这种酒有一种果香味。The wine has a smooth/fruity/sweet aftertaste.这种葡萄酒饮用后有种醇和的/果味的/芳香的感觉。She smelt the fruity musk of his aftershave.她闻到了他剃须润肤水的水果麝香味。 |