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词汇 from behind
例句 They stepped out from behind the building with guns blazing.他们冒着炮火从大楼后面冲了出来。A man suddenly appeared from behind a tree.一名男子突然从树后冒出来。They bum-rushed him from behind.他们从背后冲撞了他。We were talking and then…Pow! Someone hit him from behind.我们正在谈话,突然砰的一声!有人从后面打了他。A ragged man emerged from behind the tree.一个衣衫褴褛的男人从树后面走出来。They shot arrows from behind the thick bushes.他们躲在浓密的灌木丛后面射箭。The moon drifted from behind the clouds.月亮从云层后浮现。The sun finally peeped out from behind the clouds.太阳终于从云后面露了出来。The sun reemerged from behind the clouds.太阳从云层背后重新露头。The moon was peeping out from behind the clouds.月亮正慢慢从云层后面出现。The housemaid eavesdropped from behind the kitchen door.女佣在厨房门后偷听。She was losing the race but she came from behind and is now in front.眼看就要输掉比赛了,但她迎头赶上,现已经跑到了前面。While one of them tried to put his hand in my pocket, the other held me from behind.其中一人试图掏我口袋的时候,另一个人从后面抱住了我。He was mugged from behind and forced into a dark room.他从背后被勒住脖子,被迫进入一间黑屋。She heard footsteps approaching from behind.她听见有人从后面走近的脚步声。A camera flash went off from behind the bushes.照相机的闪光灯从灌木丛后闪了一下。He peeped out cautiously from behind the door.他从门后小心翼翼地探出头来。He peeked carefully from behind the door.他从门背后小心翼翼地向外窥视。He watched as Grover snitched two packets of sugar from behind the counter.他看着格罗弗从柜台后面偷了两包糖。The truck was rammed from behind by a sports car on a busy highway.在繁忙的公路上这辆卡车的后部受到一辆跑车的猛烈撞击。The player was penalized for an illegal hit from behind.这个运动员因从背后撞人而被判罚。In the game any backing or barging from behind is strictly out.比赛中任何拉手或撞人犯规都是绝对不允许的。They deliberately rammed my car from behind.他们故意从后面撞我的车。They rammed into my car from behind.他们从后面猛地撞上了我的车。When the water was up to his neck, a hand came from behind and pushed his head under.水没到他的脖子时,从后面伸过来一只手把他的头按到了水里。The sun emerged from behind a cloud.太阳从云朵后钻出。She observed the goings-on from behind her mirrored sunglasses.她透过反光太阳镜观察正在发生的一切。She watched him from behind half-closed eyelids.她从半闭的眼睛缝里看着他。My car was hit from behind by a lorry.我的小汽车被一辆货车从后面撞了。I grabbed the gunman from behind.我从背后抱住持枪歹徒。Visitors see the painting from behind a plate glass window.参观者隔着平板玻璃橱窗欣赏那幅画。The moon peeked out from behind the clouds.月亮从云层后面露出了脸。Mr Grimshaw got up from behind his desk to greet me and offer me a chair.格里姆肖先生从桌子后面站起来迎接我,并给我一把椅子坐下。He pulled the stub of a pencil from behind his ear.他从耳后拿出一小段铅笔头。Even from behind in silhouette, Billy recognized the figure.即便看到的只是背影的轮廓,比利还是认出了那个人影。He was booked for a tackle from behind on Morris.他因从背后铲断莫里斯而被记名警告。Drying laundry must not be allowed to peek out from behind the city's balcony walls.这座城市不准许将阳台晾晒的衣物外露。When you jumped out from behind the door it gave me such a fright! 你从门后跳出来的时候吓了我一跳。The sun began to appear from behind the clouds.太阳开始从云层后面露出。The lion leaped out from behind a tree and captured its prey.狮子从树后跳出来抓住了猎物。




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