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词汇 friendliness
例句 I was impressed by their friendliness, ease, and naturalness.我对他们的友善、从容和大方印象深刻。We were charmed by the friendliness of the local people.我们被当地人的友好吸引住了。The keystone of their foreign policy is friendliness to all nations.他们外交政策的基本原则是和所有国家都友好相处。She appreciated the friendliness of her neighbors.她感激邻居的友善。There was friendliness and warmth in his eyes.他眼中充满了亲切和温情。The friendliness had gone from his voice.他的语气不再友善。Kenneth overflowed with friendliness and hospitality.肯尼思满怀友善和好客之情。There was a sincere expression of friendliness on both their faces.他们俩的脸上都流露出真挚友好的表情。Customer-friendliness was the buzzword in British business circles.客户友好是英国商业界的流行语。His pretence at friendliness fooled no one.他的故作友好骗不了大家。Her outward friendliness was only a disguise for her hate.她表面上装作友好仅仅是为了掩饰她的仇恨。Despite his outward display of friendliness, I sensed he was concealing something.尽管他表现得友善,我还是感觉到他有所隐瞒。Everywhere he was treated with kindness and friendliness.他在各个地方都受到亲切友好的接待。Her manner suddenly changed from friendliness and warmth to one of faint menace.她友好热情的态度突然变得略带威胁。He read love into her casual friendliness.他把她不经意的友好表示看成了爱情。She also loves the friendliness of the people.她也喜欢人们的友善。Their apparent friendliness is completely synthetic.他们表面上的友善完全是虚情假意。One of New England's great strengths is its friendliness to strangers.新英格兰一个很大的优点是对陌生人报以友善。Behind the mask of friendliness, I know he really dislikes me.在友善的面具后面,我知道他其实并不喜欢我。He wondered what was behind his neighbour's sudden friendliness.他疑惑为何邻居的态度突然友好起来。The friendliness was gone from his voice.他的声音已不再亲切。Your friendliness could easily be misinterpreted.你的友好容易被人误解。A dog wags its tail in order to show friendliness and pleasure.狗摇尾巴是表示友好和高兴。His voice was liquid with friendliness towards me.他对我说话的声音柔和友好。Her friendliness is all show. 她的友好全是装出来的。




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