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词汇 freshly
例句 They're freshly baked. I fetched them from the baker's this morning.它们是刚出炉的。我早上去面包房买回来的。There’s one elderly lady there each week selling her freshly baked homemade bread.每个星期都会有一个年长的农妇卖她新鲜出炉的自制面包。Add sea salt and freshly milled black pepper.添加海盐和现磨的黑胡椒粉。The air was full of evocative smells of flowers and freshly cut grass.空气里充满了引起回忆的花香和新修剪的青草香味。Add some freshly milled black pepper.加一些现磨的黑胡椒粉。I love freshly baked bread.我喜欢刚烤好的面包。I start the day with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.我喝一杯鲜榨的橙汁开始一天的生活。Add one clove of freshly crushed garlic.加上一瓣刚刚捣碎的大蒜。The chicken was very tough, as though it had not been freshly cooked that day.鸡肉非常老,好像不是当天新鲜烧的。A large worm wriggled in the freshly dug earth.一条大虫子在新翻过的地里蠕动。His shirts have been freshly washed and ironed.他的衬衫刚洗烫好。Someone had placed a bunch of freshly cut roses on her desk.有人在她桌上放了一束刚刚剪下的玫瑰。They sell freshly picked fruits and vegetables.他们销售新鲜采摘的水果和蔬菜。The rich aroma of freshly baked bread filled the whole house.新鲜出炉的面包那浓郁的香味充满了整个房子。She wore a freshly laundered and starched white shirt.她穿一件刚刚浆洗熨烫过的白色衬衣。The freshly cleaned windows sparkled.刚擦过的窗户明晃晃的。Wine is made from the juice of freshly picked grapes.葡萄酒由采摘的新鲜葡萄的汁水酿造而成。He had the freshly lit cigarette between his lips.他嘴上叼着一支刚点燃的烟。This restaurant serves freshly boiled winkles.这家餐馆有鲜煮玉黍螺。At the beginning of term the school looked bright and clean with its freshly painted walls and polished floors.学期刚开始,学校里的墙壁刚刚粉刷一新,地板也刚擦亮过,看上去又明亮又清洁。There's a pot of freshly made coffee on the kitchen table.餐桌上有一壶刚刚冲好的咖啡。This is a freshly painted room.这是间新漆的房间。The baker took a batch of freshly baked rolls out of the oven.面包师从烤炉里拿出刚烤好的一炉面包卷。A delicious smell of freshly baked bread wafted across the lawn.草坪上飘过一股新出炉面包的香味。The house was filled with the scent of freshly baked bread.房子里飘着新鲜出炉的烤面包的香味。They ate freshly baked bread while the coffee percolated gently.他们吃着新鲜烘焙的面包,与此同时咖啡正在慢慢滤煮着。The smell of freshly baked bread filled the room.刚出炉的面包香味充满了整个房间。Two men were standing by the freshly dug grave.两个男人站在新挖好的坟墓旁。The delicious smell of freshly made coffee came from the kitchen.新煮好的咖啡的芳香从厨房里飘了出来。The soil was freshly plowed.那块地刚刚犁过。His hair was freshly barbered in a crew cut.他的头发刚刚剪成了平头。The aroma of freshly made pancakes wafted through the air.新鲜出炉的薄饼香味飘了过来。




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