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词汇 absorption
例句 This controls the absorption of liquids.这控制着液体的吸收。Even if these migrations can be absorbed, absorption will be only a temporary solution.即使这一批一批的移民能够被吸收,也只是暂时的权宜之计。Gently digging the soil around a tree will help water absorption.给树周围松松土会促进水分吸收。I don't understand James' absorption with military history.我不明白詹姆斯为何对军事史那么痴迷。In Egypt, two new camps were readied for the absorption of refugees.在埃及,两个新的营地已经准备好收留难民了。We can justify the company's absorption of higher manufacturing costs.我们可以证明公司支付更高的制作成本是合理的。Some poisonous gases can enter the body by absorption through the skin.一些有毒气体可以通过皮肤吸收进入体内。The colon is an important organ for the absorption of nutrients.结肠是吸收营养的重要器官。Complete absorption in sport interfered with his studies.对体育活动的极度迷恋妨碍了他的学业。Two new camps were readied for the absorption of refugees.为收容难民又备好了两个新营地。Drinking coffee inhibits the absorption of iron from your diet.喝咖啡有碍饮食中铁的吸收。Her book is simply a collection of memories, told without conceit or self-absorption - and therein lies its power.她的书只是一本回忆集,既没有自高自大也没有顾影自怜——而这正是该书的魅力所在。He was struck by the artists' total absorption in their work.他被艺术家们对创作的全身心投入所打动。The small farm faced absorption into a big one.这家小农场行将被并入一个大农场。Very little absorption of nutrients takes place in the stomach.胃部对营养的吸收甚少。His absorption in his work was total. 他工作起来全神贯注。Protective gloves reduce the absorption of chemicals through the skin.防护手套可以减少皮肤对化学物质的吸收。




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