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词汇 freak
例句 April's sales figures were a freak.四月份的销售额一反常态。A freak wave wrecked most of the seafront.反常的海浪把大部分滨海区都毁了。He's a real control freak.他是一个有强烈控制欲的人。What kind of sick freak is this guy?这家伙是个什么样的变态之人?Weir broke his leg in a freak accident playing golf.韦尔因为一次打高尔夫时发生的离奇事故折断了腿。The storm that destroyed the house was a freak of nature.摧毁房屋的那场暴风雨非同寻常。She did it out of mere freak.她做这事完全是一时异想天开。A small plane was lifted up and thrown across the tarmac by a freak gust of wind.一架小型飞机被一阵怪风吹起摔到柏油碎石跑道的另一边。I felt like a bit of a freak in my strange clothes.穿着奇装异服,我觉得自己有点儿像个怪物。A woman is considered a freak if she puts her career first.要是一个女人把事业放在首位,人们会认为她是个怪人。The men drowned when a freak wave sank their boat.一阵反常的海浪打沉了他们的船,那些人淹死了。He broke his leg in a freak training accident.他在一次异常的训练事故中摔断了腿。Due to some freak of nature, it snowed in June.天生异象,六月里下起了雪。This was no more than a freak of history.这只不过是历史上的一件怪事罢了。The ferry was hit by a freak wave off the North Wales coast.渡船在北威尔士海岸遭遇了突如其来的大浪。I was born with black hair all over my back, like some sort of freak.我天生背上就全是黑毛,像个怪物。A car was blown off the road by a freak gust of wind.汽车被一阵突如其来的大风吹下了公路。A freak wave had buckled the deck.反常的波浪把甲板打弯了。By some freak of fate, he walked away from the crash completely unhurt.在命运的奇特安排下,他在车祸中安然无恙。He came to a tragic end in a freak accident.他悲惨地死于一场离奇的事故。Snowing in this area is a real freak.这个地区下雪真是反常现象。I had a terrible rash on my face, and I felt like a freak.我长了一脸可怕的皮疹,感觉自己就像个怪物。She felt like something out of a freak show.她觉得自己像畸形人展览上的怪物一样。The frog is so big that it has been described as a freak of nature.这只青蛙太大,被形容为畸形动物。He was killed in a freak accident.他在一场反常的事故中身亡。You do look a freak in those clothes.你穿着那些衣服看上去真像个怪物。Who's that freak with the green hair?那绿头发的怪人是谁?The village was destroyed by a freak storm.这座村庄毁于一场异常的风暴。Melissa is a neat freak and Doug is kind of a slob, so the two of them are always fighting.梅利莎是个有洁癖的人,道格则是个邋遢鬼,所以他俩老是在争吵。My boss is a real control freak.我的老板是一个很有控制欲的人。These glasses make me look like a freak.我戴这副眼镜看上去像个怪人。Two planes were lifted up and thrown across the tarmac by a freak gust of wind.一阵怪风把两架飞机卷起,抛到跑道的另一头。The ferry was hit by a freak wave off the North Wales coast.渡船在北威尔士海岸附近被一股反常的海浪击中。If you don't like sport they regard you as a freak.如果你不喜欢体育运动,他们就把你看作怪人。Recent freak weather conditions have sparked off renewed fears about the effects of global warming.近来的反常天气再次引起人们对全球变暖所造成的影响产生忧虑。One of them is a card-carrying ecology freak.其中有一人是个死硬到底的生态保护主义怪人。The guy is probably just some freak who saw her on TV and decided he loves her.这家伙说不定只是个什么怪人,他在电视上看到她后,就认定自己爱的就是她了。A lamb with 2 tails is a freak of nature.有两条尾巴的小羊是畸形的。No one could have foretold such a freak accident.谁也无法预言会发生如此奇特的事故。We're completely incompatible - she's a neat freak, and I hate to clean.我们根本合不来。她有洁癖,我却讨厌打扫。




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