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词汇 frame
例句 I pressed the button to freeze the frame.我按下按钮使电影定格。He hammered together a picture frame.他用锤子和钉子敲了个画框。By lifting and layering her hair, Michael created a lighter frame for her face.迈克尔梳起她的头发,剪出层次,让她的脸型显得更为柔和。They are mostly one-storey frame affairs.它们多数是木板平房。It's a frame backpack with a belt and padded shoulder straps.这是一款带有支架的背包,配有可束在腰间的带子,肩带衬了软垫。A shiver shook her small frame.她娇小的身躯抖了一下。Hammer the nails into the back of the frame.把钉子锤入框子的背面。The reflector is held onto the sides of the spacecraft with a frame.反射器通过支架牢牢地固定在航天器的侧面。It took me all morning to frame up the poem.构思这首诗花了我整整一个早上。He learned how to draw the unclothed human frame.他学会了如何画裸体画。The door is made from galvanized steel with a rigid frame.这道门由镀锌钢材制成,门框坚固。Her husband mounts the work on velour paper and makes the frame.她丈夫把作品装裱在绒纸上,并制作了画框。She returned from lunch in a happier frame of mind.她吃完午饭回来后心情好些了。Each person experiences art through his or her own frame of reference.每个人都以自身的标准来体验艺术。The VCR allows you to fast-forward, reverse, or put the picture in freeze-frame.录像机可以快进、倒退或者定格图片。The frame of the umbrella is made of metal.伞的骨架是金属制的。Everything is in the bag! It's all a frame-up!一切都是事先做好的圈套! 完全是诬陷!The painter stretched the canvas tightly over the frame.画家把画布紧绷在画架上。He was in a bad frame of mind this morning.今天上午他心情恶劣。She had no frame of reference for handling the situation.她没有处理这种局面的参考依据。The frame of the car absorbed the impact.汽车的构架起到了减震作用。There was a small break at the corner of the frame.在框架的角上有一条小裂缝。Pulling herself upright on her walking frame, she moved across the room to the stairs.她用助行架撑直身体,走到房间那边的楼梯去。A relaxation session may put you in a better frame of mind.放松一段时间,你的心情或许会好一些。My sister has a much bigger frame than me.我姐姐的骨架比我大很多。His lips could hardly frame the words.他几乎说不出话来。He took the time to frame a thoughtful reply.他经过长时间的深思熟虑,给出了周全的答复。The portrait hung in an oval frame on the wall.这幅画像挂在墙上一个椭圆形的画框内。You have to be in the right frame of mind to play well.你必须有正确的心情才能弹得好。The canvas is stretched over a wooden frame.画布紧绷在木框上。Wait until he's in a better frame of mind.等他心情好些再说。I had my initials engraved on the picture frame.我让人把我名字的缩写刻在画框上。The shape that bears the closest correspondence to the photo frame is a rectangle.与相框最为相似的形状是长方形。She's the victim of a frame-up.她是一项阴谋的受害者。Adjust the door to ensure equal clearance between door and frame.调整一下门,保证门和门框之间的空隙相等。When moral dilemmas are individualized, one loses sight of the larger social frame.当单独考虑道德上的两难境地时,人们就会忽视大的社会框架。The name plate was screwed into the door frame.名牌用螺丝固定在了门框上。There is little point putting an indestructible door in a frame that will rot in 10 years.门框十年就会烂掉,装一扇牢不可破的门就没有多大意义了。He has a runner's wiry frame.他的身材像跑步运动员一样瘦而结实。The organization protested that it was the victim of a politically motivated frame-up.该组织抗议称,自己是一个政治陷阱的牺牲品。




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