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词汇 fountain
例句 I took off my shoes and socks and splashed into the fountain with the other children.我脱下鞋和袜子,和其他孩子一起在喷泉里戏水。He was supposed to wait for me by the fountain, but he wasn't there when I arrived.他说好在喷水池边等我,但我到那里时他却不在。A small fountain splashed musically in the centre of the garden.花园中央的一个小喷泉很有节奏地喷涌着。Blood was pumping out of his belly like a fountain.血像喷泉似地从他的腹部涌出。There is a beautiful water fountain in the park near the rose garden.公园里靠近玫瑰园有个漂亮的喷泉。I'll meet you in the marketplace next to the fountain.我在喷泉旁的集市和你会面。Any true lover casting a pin into the fountain and gazing into it will see his or her future partner.只要你心诚,往喷泉里扔下一根大头针,然后盯着泉水看,就能看见未来伴侣的影子。The space between the old building and the Morgan mansion has been converted into a marble-paved court, with plantings and a fountain.旧楼和摩根大厦之间的那块地方已经被改建成了一个庭院,地面上铺着大理石,有花草树木,有喷泉。He was a fountain of information on Asian affairs.他是亚洲事务的信息源。A white marble fountain played in the middle of the square.一座白色大理石的喷泉在广场中央喷水。Located off-center in the irregularly shaped lake was a fountain.在这个形状不规则的湖泊的湖心以外的地方有一眼喷泉。One of the fountain's jets was blocked.那口喷泉有一个喷嘴堵住了。His fountain pen ran dry, and he had to refill it.他的自来水笔墨水用干了,得重新灌满它。Exercise is good for you, but it's not a perfect fountain of youth.锻炼有益,但不是永葆青春的万全之策。The fountain projects a slender column of water high into the air.喷泉将一道细长的水柱喷到高空。The new cream is marketed as the fountain of youth.这种新面霜被宣传成青春源泉而推向市场。Algernon was thrown in the fountain by a bunch of hearties from the rowing club.阿尔杰农被一帮划艇俱乐部的伙伴扔到了喷泉里。A fountain of blood was pouring from his chest.一股鲜血从他胸口喷涌而出。Snape wrote a receipt with a gold fountain pen.斯内普用金笔开了一张收据。Each fountain pen is housed in an elegant casing.每支自来水笔装在一只精致的盒子里。I write with a fountain pen and occasionally blot my work.我用自来水笔写字,偶尔会把写的东西弄脏。They've put an ornamental fountain slap bang in the middle of the roundabout.他们在环岛的正中央放置了一个装饰性喷泉。May I offer you some refreshment? Our soda fountain is raring to go.我可以给你拿些点心吗? 我们的冷饮小卖部这就营业。The fountain projects a stream of water.喷泉喷出一股水。A fountain of blood spurted from the wound in his chest.一股血从他胸部的伤口喷出来。The fountain is lit up at night.夜里喷泉打上了灯光。Jacobs collects antique fountain pens.雅各布斯收藏古董钢笔。The water rippled in widening circles around the fountain.喷泉周围的水形成涟漪逐圈扩散出去。Celia began listing their recent purchases and gestured proudly to the fountain.西莉亚开始数列他们最近购买的东西,还自豪地指给我们看那个人工喷泉。A fountain pen has an ink reservoir.自来水笔有一个贮墨水管。The fountain is reputed never to dry up.这处泉水因永不干涸而闻名。The fountain is reputed never to dry up.这口泉号称从不干涸。She is a fountain of knowledge/wisdom.她是知识/智慧的源泉。A talent scout spotted her behind the counter at a soda fountain and the rest is history. 一位星探发现了冷饮柜台后面的她,后来发生的事就众所周知了。A small fountain splashed musically in the courtyard.院子里一个小小的喷泉喷着水,发出悦耳的声音。The fountain wells its pure water.喷泉源源涌出清澈的泉水。You are a fountain of ideas.你就是思想的源泉。The fountain's cool water sprayed upwards with a pleasant hiss.喷泉清凉的水带着轻快的嘶嘶声向上喷射着。The park's ornamental fountain is carved from marble.公园里的装饰性喷泉是用大理石雕成的。The crowd gathered around the fountain in the plaza.人群聚集在广场的喷泉周围。




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