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词汇 foundations
例句 The peace treaty rests on shaky foundations.这项和平条约建立在不稳固的基础上。Those thoughts rocked her assurance to its foundations.那些想法从根本上动摇了她的信念。Darwin's theory rocked the scientific establishment to its foundations.达尔文的理论动摇了科学界的根基。Some remedial work needs to be done on the foundations.地基需要做些补救工作。How long will it take to finish digging the foundations?挖地基要用多长时间?Copernicus's findings laid the foundations for the later work of Galileo.哥白尼的发现为伽利略后来的研究工作奠定了基础。When they came to build the southern spire, the foundations began to sink.当他们最后建造南边的塔尖时,地基开始下陷了。Workers had already begun excavating the foundations for the house.工人们已经开始为房子挖掘地基了。The foundations of the building became unsteady.这房屋的基础变得不牢固了。If the foundations are flawed the house will come tumbling down.如果地基不牢,房子将会倒塌。Lord Clarendon's liberal credo was one of the foundations of his political conduct.克拉伦登勋爵的自由主义信条是他从事政治活动的一大基础。What has happened has shaken the foundations of her belief.发生的事情动摇了她信仰的根基。The two sides met in an attempt to lay the foundations of a future peace settlement.双方会面以期为未来达成和平协议打下基础。Long-term planning after the war laid the foundations for the nation's steady economic growth.战后的长期规划为该国经济稳定发展打下基础。Their current economic prosperity rests on rather weak foundations.他们当前的经济繁荣根基相当薄弱。It is now that the spadework has to be done to lay firm foundations for later success.现在应该着手做一些准备工作以便为日后的成功打下坚实基础。When they came to build the southern spire the foundations began to sink.他们建南边的塔尖时,地基就开始下沉了。Emotional conflict may shake the foundations of even the strongest relationship.情感冲突可以动摇哪怕是最牢固的人际关系的基础。The building's foundations are rather shaky, and it could collapse at any time.这座建筑的地基很不稳固,随时可能会倒塌。The scandal has shaken the government to its foundations.丑闻动摇了政府的根基。The thunder seemed to shake the very foundations of the building.雷鸣似乎把房子的地基都撼动了。The discovery rocked the very foundations of their theory.这一发现动摇了他们的理论根据。The book explains the moral foundations on which her political career was built.这本书阐述了支撑她政治生涯的道德基础。Concrete foundations have been laid.已铺设了混凝土地基。This laid the foundations for later modern economic growth.这为后来的现代经济增长奠定了基础。Workmen stumbled upon the mosaic while digging foundations for a new building.工人们在挖一栋新楼的地基时偶然发现了那幅镶嵌画。Careful planning laid the foundations for the nation's economic miracle.精心的规划为国家的经济奇迹奠定了基础。The foundations will have to be reinforced to prevent the house from sinking further into the ground.地基必须进行加固以防房屋继续下陷。The foundations were bedded in cement.基座埋在水泥中。The proposed law strikes at the foundations of our democracy.这项审议法案动摇了我们的民主根基。The scandal rocked the legal establishment to its foundations.这件丑闻动摇了法律界的基础。The foundations are finished and work has now begun on building the superstructure of the new library.新图书馆的地基已经打好,现在已经开始修建上部结构了。When restoring the building, the first priority was to underpin the exterior walls by adding wooden supports along the foundations.修复这座建筑物时,首先要做的是沿着地基给外墙增加木支撑。He helped to lay the foundations of English drama.他在奠定英国戏剧的基础方面做出了贡献。They plan to excavate a large hole before putting in the foundations.他们计划打地基前先挖个大洞。All dams need sound foundations.所有的堤坝都需要坚固的基础。Mandela helped lay the foundations for a new democratic South Africa.曼德拉为建立新的民主南非打下了基础。The destruction of war and the death of millions of young people shook the foundations of Western idealism.战争的破坏和数百万年轻人的死亡动摇了西方理想主义的根基。The scandal has shaken the Democratic Party to its foundations.那件丑闻从根本上动摇了民主党。They had dug too deep and undermined the foundations of the house.他们挖得太深,破坏了房子的地基。




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