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例句 Martin had always found it easier to relate to women.马丁一直认为了解女人要更容易。The replacement will be found as expeditiously as possible.我们会尽快找到接替者。I found an open door and made good my escape.我发现有扇门开着,就成功逃走了。I sorted through the pile of documents until I found it.我翻阅那堆文件,直到找到那一份。They found themselves trapped in the no-man's-land between the two warring factions.他们发现自己困在交战双方之间的真空地带。He found himself chattering away out of nervousness.他发现自己由于紧张而喋喋不休起来。The driver found the sharp left turn very difficult.司机发现在那个左急转弯,车子很难开。Police think they have found the person responsible for the muggings.警方认为他们已经找到了行凶抢劫的人。We found out later that the horse had been nobbled, which explained its poor performance.我们后来才发现这匹赛马被下了药,所以才表现差。Traditionally, vigilante groups have found greater favour on the political right.按惯例,治安维持团体能获得政治右派的更多支持。These fish are not found close inshore.在近海没有发现这种鱼。When I was sweeping up, I found an earring that I had lost.我打扫房间的时候找到了以前丢失的耳环。I found a possible site for a camp.我找到了一个可以露营的地方。When they returned to Tuol Sakor, they found all the best land taken by squatters.当回到图尔沙科尔时,他们发现那些最好的土地全都被人侵占了。Her body was found near a crashed car.在一辆撞毁的汽车旁发现了她的尸体。I found it hard to concentrate.我觉得很难集中精神。Lorna found that people were willing to open up to her.洛娜发现人们愿意对她畅所欲言。I found myself skipping these passages, though no doubt many readers will slaver over them.我发现自己跳过了这些章节,尽管有许多读者无疑会为这些描写兴奋不已。She tapped in my name and found my account records.她把我的名字输进去,找到了我的账户记录。He found that changing jobs was very liberating.他发现变换工作能给人带来获得自由的感觉。He found the rigours of the tour too demanding.他发现这次旅行非常艰苦。I found the climb absolutely petrifying.我觉得这次爬山太吓人了。Police have searched the area near his home, but have so far found nothing.警方已经搜查了他家附近的地区,但到目前为止没有找到什么东西。He was examined by several doctors, who found nothing wrong with him.几位医生给他做了检查,没发现什么问题。Mr Dambar found himself gazing into the distance for a moment or two.丹巴尔先生不知不觉朝着远处凝视了一会儿。I found some of his arguments totally illogical.我发现他的有些论点根本不合逻辑。Traces of explosives were found on the clothing of the three men accused of the bombing.这三名被指控制造炸弹袭击事件的男子,衣服上发现有炸药的痕迹。He found what he was looking for on the bottom shelf.他在底层架子上找到了要找的东西。There is great danger of a split in the party if a competent leader is not found soon.如果不快点找到一位称职的领导,党内将很有可能出现分化的危险。After trying several careers, she found her true métier in computer science.尝试过几种工作之后,她发现自己真正擅长的是计算机科学。I haven't found the time to read Morrison's latest novel yet.我还没有时间看莫里森最新的小说。The court found against the plaintiff.法庭判原告败诉。We found that, despite their poverty, very few people wanted to leave the area.我们发现尽管这些人很穷困,却极少有人想离开这一地区。I've never really found him attractive. 我从不觉得他长得英俊。They arrived to clock on and found the factory gates locked.他们到了工厂准备打卡上班,却发现大门没开。The missing children were found safe and sound.失踪的孩子们都安然无恙。Researchers have found that internal inconsistencies in hospital case notes are common.研究者已经发现医院病例记录前后不一致的情况很普遍。He gave me directions to his house, but I found them utterly bewildering.他告诉我到他家怎么走,但我发现他指的路让人完全摸不着头脑。My mother was embarrassed, but I found the situation highly amusing.我妈很窘,可我觉得这场面很有趣。They were found guilty of possessing petrol bombs.他们被发现私藏汽油弹而获罪。




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