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例句 Government leaders have shifted their ground on drugs, announcing their willingness to decriminalize cannabis.政府领导人已经改变了对毒品的立场,宣布他们愿意使大麻合法化。The window was pasted with signs announcing a closing sale.窗户上贴着关门大甩卖的标志。Mr Fischler beat him to it with a statement announcing his own resignation.菲施勒先生抢在他前面宣布了自己辞职的消息。He compounded his mistake by announcing it to the whole table.他当着全桌的人宣布这件事是错上加错。After announcing himself at the reception desk, James was led upstairs.在接待处通报姓名后,詹姆斯被领上楼去。I saw a notice in the paper announcing their marriage.我看见他们在报纸刊登的结婚启事了。He issued a terse statement, saying he is discussing his future with colleagues before announcing his decision on Monday.他发表了简短声明,称他正在和同事讨论他的未来,并将于星期一宣布他的决定。He has been slow in announcing the name of his successor.他迟迟没有宣布继任者的名字。Cooper had the unenviable job of announcing the bad news.库珀领受了负责宣布坏消息这个没人愿意干的差事。The cock was announcing the start of a new day.雄鸡正在报晓。At that moment Mrs. Jones's powerful voice interrupted them, announcing a visitor.就在那一刻,琼斯夫人响亮的声音打断了他们,说有人来访。He registered as a Democrat about two weeks before announcing for the presidency.他登记为民主党候选人两周后宣布参加总统竞选。Cooper took obvious pleasure in announcing the merger.库珀带着明显的喜悦之情宣布了合并的消息。A voice crackled from the loudspeakers, announcing a flight, departure gate so and so.扬声器里传来吱吱嘎嘎的声音,播报某航班、登机口等等事项。They distributed flyers announcing the concert throughout the city.他们在全城散发那场音乐会的传单。Our boss sent out an email announcing her departure.我们老板发了一封电邮宣布她的离职。Today he is formally announcing his candidacy for President.今天他将正式宣布参加总统竞选。Mrs. Jones's powerful voice interrupted them, announcing a visitor.琼斯太太响亮的声音打断了他们,说有人来访。It is with deep regret that he is announcing his resignation.他非常遗憾地宣布辞去职务。He held off on announcing his decision.他推迟宣布他的决定。He staggered all his colleagues by suddenly announcing that he was leaving the company at the end of the month.他突然宣布月底要离开公司,把所有同事都吓了一跳。On Thursday the judges will be announcing the winner of this year's Booker Prize.星期四,评审团将宣布本年度的布克奖得主。Lego's management promised to get back to basics after announcing huge losses.乐高管理层在宣布重大亏损之后承诺要回归基本的经营方式。Keppler kept all his men in suspense until that morning before announcing which two would be going.开普勒让所有的下属都焦急地等待着,直到那天上午才宣布哪两个人去。The news item announcing the verdict was much smaller than the item that announced his arrest.宣布判决结果的新闻,篇幅远远小于宣布他被捕的新闻。There was a press release announcing the Senator's resignation.举行了一场新闻发布会来宣布这位参议员的辞职。I think he made a tactical blunder by announcing it so far ahead of time.我认为他在时机远未成熟时就把这事说了出去是一种失策。President Kaunda fulfilled his promise of announcing a date for the referendum.卡翁达总统兑现了他的承诺,宣布了全民公决的日期。He received a letter from his wife announcing that she had been transferred.他收到他妻子一封信,说是已调动了工作。He lost out on the special sale because he did not read the advertisement announcing it.他错过了那次大促销,因为他没有读到广告。He was distributing handbills announcing his lecture when Nora caught her first glimpse of him.诺拉第一次看见他时,他正在散发自己的讲座宣传单。After he lost his job, his wife put the boot in by announcing she was leaving him.他失去工作后妻子又说要离开他,真是屋漏偏逢连夜雨。The day before announcing his farewell to business, Sir James talked to me in his extravagantly elegant Paris home.在宣布退出商界的前一天,詹姆斯爵士在他位于巴黎的极为雅致的家中和我谈了话。We received a letter announcing a visit from government inspectors.我们收到政府巡视员要来视察的函件。




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