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词汇 forgot
例句 I forgot to put the rubbish out last night.昨晚我忘记把垃圾拿出去了。He meant to invite Monica, but he clean forgot.他是打算邀请莫妮卡参加聚会的,但却忘得一干二净。I bet he forgot.我敢肯定他忘记了。The groom was so nervous he forgot to compliment the bridesmaids.新郎非常紧张,都忘了夸奖女傧相。Whoever had to cue in the chorus forgot his part.负责给合唱队提示的人忘记了自己的职责。He offered to help, then promptly forgot.他提出要帮忙,旋即就忘了。If he forgot to pay his rent, his landlady would send him a reminder.如果他忘了付房租,女房东就会去信提醒他。Wait a minute. I forgot to turn off the lights.且慢,我忘记关灯了。I forgot to leave them a note to tell them we won't be home by dinnertime.我忘了留个字条告诉他们,我们要到吃晚饭的时间才会回家。He forgot his manners and reached across the table for the salt.他忘了礼仪,伸手到桌子另一边去拿盐。He forgot to renew his passport and now it's expired.他忘了续签护照,结果现在过期了。In her willingness to help them, she quite forgot that she wasn't as strong as she had been.她很想帮助他们,完全忘了自己已经不像以前那么强壮了。He forgot to cradle the telephone receiver when he finished.他打完电话忘记把听筒搁在支架上。She forgot herself and said some things that she later regretted.她情绪失控,说了一些后来感到后悔的话。You forgot to date the cheque.你忘了在支票上注明日期了。He shoved down a few notes before he forgot.他简单记下了几点,省得自己忘掉。She had psyched herself up so much for the camping trip that she forgot her sleeping bag.她因为露营兴奋得不得了,把睡袋都忘了。Oh, heck, I forgot my keys.见鬼,我忘记拿钥匙了。She gave her parents unnecessary worry when she forgot to call them.她忘记给父母打电话,引起他们不必要的担心。I forgot my line and had to be prompted.我忘词了,只好让人提词。Rizzo was a man who never forgot his roots.里佐是个永远没忘自己根的人。A certain person, who shall remain nameless, forgot to lock the front door.某个人,这里不便透露他的姓名,忘了锁前门。I forgot to put the return address on the envelope.我忘记在信封上写寄信人地址了。We were so caught up in the movie we forgot what time it was.我们看电影看得入了迷,连时间都忘记了。It seems that someone forgot to lock the door.似乎是有人忘记锁门了。I know you told me, but I forgot.我知道你告诉过我,但是我忘了。In my hurry I forgot to take my wallet with me.匆忙间我忘了带钱包。The writer forgot to put her address.写信人忘了写上她的地址。He forgot the charger for his mobile phone.他忘了带手机充电器。I forgot to enter some of the debits in my bank account register.我忘记把几笔借项记入我的银行往来账登记簿。Either he forgot about the meeting or he deliberately stayed away – I don't know which.要么是他忘了要开会,要么是他故意躲开,我不清楚是哪一种情况。He promptly forgot all about it.他马上把这事儿忘得一干二净。He forgot himself and hit her.他失去控制打了她。I forgot my words.我忘词了。He conveniently forgot to tell me he was married.他没有告诉我他已经结婚,想必是有意避之吧。Her joy was so infectious that he momentarily forgot his own fears for the future.她的快乐如此具有感染力,以至他暂时忘记了对未来的担心。I just forgot. I've had a lot on my mind.我完全忘了,我脑子里的事太多了。In his mad dash to the store, he forgot his wallet.他只顾朝商店狂奔,忘了带钱包。She forgot her sunglasses.她忘了带太阳镜。I forgot to cancel my doctor's appointment.我忘记了取消与医生的约会。




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