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词汇 forget about
例句 Did you forget about going to the bank?你忘记了去银行吗?They bribed the witness to forget about what he had seen.他们收买证人让他忘掉他所看到的事情。I'll never be able to forget about the accident.我永远也无法忘记这起事故。Why quibble over whose turn it is to buy lunch? Split it, and forget about it.午饭谁付钱有什么好吵的?大家分摊一下算了。He immersed himself in his work and tried to forget about Julia.他埋首于工作中,试图忘掉朱莉娅。Let's forget about it, it's all water over the dam.忘了那件事吧,这已经无法挽回了。 She wants to forget about the past. = She wants to put the past behind her.她想忘记过去。Don't forget about your old friends when you go off to college, okay?你去上大学可不能忘记老朋友噢。Both sides must forget about the past. Then and only then can there be peace.双方都必须不计前嫌,这样,也只有这样,才会有和平。She'll forget about the whole thing if she knows what's good for her.如果想避免麻烦,她会忘记整件事情的。He'll forget about it in time.他迟早会忘掉这事的。We can forget about the accident now and concentrate on getting on with our lives.我们现在可以不去想这次事故,一心继续过我们的日子了。As the summer days slipped by, it was easy to forget about the war.夏天悄悄过去,战争很快就被人遗忘了。Amid all the razzle-dazzle of the party convention, it was easy to forget about the real political issues.该政党大会开得很热闹,很容易使置身其中的人将现实政治问题抛到脑后。My husband asked why I couldn't just forget about dieting all the time and eat normally instead.丈夫问我为什么就不能不整天想着节食,转而正经吃饭。We'll have to forget about going on holiday.我们将不得不放弃度假的计划。Work will occupy your mind and help you forget about him.工作会占据你的脑海,帮助你忘了他。It's time to forget about the past and make nice.现在应该不计前嫌,友好相待。Why don't we let bygones be bygones and forget about the whole thing?我们都该不念旧恶,把整件事忘掉算了,对不对?I found it very easy to forget about Sumner.我发现忘掉萨姆纳很容易。As far as I'm concerned, you can forget about it.依我看,你可以把这事忘了。Let's just forget about the whole thing and move on.让我们把这件事全都忘掉继续前行吧。I'm not advising you to throw away your makeup or forget about your appearance.我不是建议你扔掉化妆品,或者不修边幅。Let's just forget about that business of me being unhappy with my job.咱们还是别提我对工作不满这事了。Trust Tim to forget about our meeting!蒂姆果然又忘了我们的会议!Alice submerged herself in work to try and forget about Tom.艾丽斯埋头工作,试图忘记汤姆。Let's put the mistake down to your inexperience and forget about it.这次犯错就算你没经验,别再想了。Sometimes it's all right to be a little selfish, and forget about everyone else for a change.有时候不妨转变一下,自私一点,忘记别人。




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