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词汇 Anne
例句 Anne was surprised to hear such an intelligent question coming from a very small child.听到一个很小的孩子提出这样聪明的问题,安妮感到吃惊。Anne went to chase the dog out of the garden.安妮去把狗赶出花园。Anne is a Lancashire lass from Longton, near Preston.安妮是兰开夏郡姑娘,老家在普雷斯顿附近的朗顿。He strongly disagreed with what Anne had said.他对安妮说的话很不以为然。The rest of the day went very slowly for Anne.那天余下的时间对安妮来说过得很慢。Anne closed her book and stood up.安妮合上书站了起来。Anne raised her voice in order to be heard.为了让人能听得见,安妮提高了嗓门。Anne was intelligent and capable of passing her exams with ease.安妮很聪明,能够轻松通过考试。Anne left Germany in the expectation of seeing her family again before very long.安妮离开德国时期待很快重见家人。Anne sharpened her pencil and got out her homework.安妮把铅笔削尖,然后拿出家庭作业来。You could stay with John and Anne while you're in London.你去伦敦的时候可以住在约翰和安妮家里。He was whirling Anne around the floor.他正和安妮在舞池内旋转起舞。I've been meaning to phone Anne for ages.我想给安妮打电话已有很久了。Anne bathed the baby and gently smoothed cream into his skin.安妮给婴儿洗了澡,然后轻轻地把润肤霜抹在婴儿皮肤上。Anne made the beds and tidied up the nursery.安妮把床铺都整理好,然后把幼儿室收拾停当。If you have any queries, please call Anne Fisher during office hours.如有疑问,请在办公时间致电安妮·费希尔咨询。Anne had difficulty holding down a job for any period of time.安妮无法把一份工作保住一段时间。Anne says I'm becoming more and more pedantic: one of the penalties of growing older.安妮说我变得越来越迂腐了:这是人变老的不幸之一。Anne and Diana are bosom friends.安妮和黛安娜是心腹之交。Anne is possessed of an acid tongue.安妮说话尖酸刻薄。Anne didn't shrink from the difficult issues facing parents.在面对父母的难题面前,安妮没有退缩。Princess Anne topped the guest list.安妮公主列嘉宾名单之首。Anne took his criticisms very much to heart.安妮非常在意他的批评。Anne comes in to clean twice a week.安妮每周来清扫两次。The photo shows, from left to right, his daughters Molly, Fiona, and Anne.照片上从左到右是他的女儿莫莉、费奥娜和安妮。Anne loved Rome, with its open spaces and long straight avenues.安妮喜欢罗马那开阔的地方和又长又直的大街。Anne was missing him badly.安妮非常想念他。A young girl answering Anne's description had just been brought in by police.与安妮描述相符的一个年轻女孩刚刚被警察带进来。Anne had remained unruffled, very cool and controlled.安妮处乱不惊,十分冷静沉着。Don't tell Anne we've arranged a party for her - I want it to be a surprise.不要告诉安妮我们为她安排了一个聚会——我想给她一个惊喜。Anne felt the repercussions of the earlier incident.安妮感受到了早先事件的影响。Anne's house is slap bang next to the station.安妮的家就在车站隔壁。Anne had to be aroused from a deep sleep.不得不把安妮从沉睡中叫醒。Henry and Anne's son was more a miscarriage than a stillbirth.亨利和安妮的儿子与其说是死产,还不如说是流产。Anne Frank was a famous diarist of the Second World War.安妮‧弗兰克是著名的二战日记作者。Anne, you need to listen to me this time.安妮,这次你得听我的。Anne vanished from outside her home last Wednesday.安妮上周三突然在家门外失踪了。See you later, Anne.再见,安妮。The movie is based on a novel by Anne Tyler.这部影片是根据安尼·泰勒的一部小说改编而成的。Anne's not getting any younger.安妮一点没有变年轻。




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