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词汇 forests
例句 Caesar marched north into the forests that border the Danube River.恺撒挥师北上,深入到多瑙河沿岸的森林地带。Some of the royal forests had become valueless as hunting grounds.有几片皇家森林再不能当狩猎场用了。Many scientists presumed the new damage to the forests to be the result of higher levels of pollution.许多科学家相信森林遭到新的破坏是污染程度加剧导致的结果。The land is clothed in dense green forests.大地被茂密的绿色森林覆盖着。The forests abound with deer, birds and squirrels.森林里有许许多多的鹿、鸟和松鼠。They say loggers are destroying rain forests and trampling on the rights of natives.他们说伐木工人正在毁坏雨林,践踏土著居民的权利。Conservationists in Chile are concerned over the effect of commercial exploitation of forests.商业化的森林开采所带来的影响让智利的自然资源保护者们忧心忡忡。Ancient Greek oracles were often located underground or in deep forests.古希腊的神示所常常坐落于地下或森林深处。All wood used in our furniture comes with a certificate saying it comes from sustainable forests.我们的家具所使用的所有木料都有证书,说是采自可持续性森林。A plague of squirrels is threatening our forests.松鼠灾害正威胁到我们的森林。The company came under furious attack from environmentalists for tearing up the forests.由于破坏了森林,这家公司受到环境保护主义者的猛烈抨击。Many species of plant life continue to be eradicated in South American rain forests.南美热带雨林的许多植物种类在不断消失。If we don't do something now, the forests may disappear altogether.如果我们现在不采取行动,森林就会全部消失。The slopes are tiered with forests.一层层的山坡上覆盖着森林。Coal is the partially decomposed remains of forests that covered the earth millions of years ago.煤是由几百万年前覆盖地球表面的森林半腐烂形成的。They inhabit the tropical forests.他们居住在热带森林中。Settlers found a plentiful supply of fruit and game in the nearby forests.殖民者发现附近的森林里有充足的野果和猎物。Conifers constitute about a third of the world's forests.针叶树大约占了世界森林的三分之一。Luxuriant forests covered the hills.山丘上长满茂密的树木。The equatorial climate of the Amazonian rain forests is hot and wet.亚马孙雨林的赤道气候炎热潮湿。This is a town environed by/with forests.这是个森林环抱的城镇。Savage beasts once roamed these forests.曾有猛兽在这些森林里出没。The rain forests are rich in birdlife. 雨林地区鸟类繁多。Fire has caused extensive damage to the island's forests.大火给岛上的森林造成了重大损害。Hunters peopled these forests long ago.猎人们很久以前就居住在这些森林中。The forests are part of the public domain.这些森林是国有土地的一部分。Guerrillas lurk in the forests.游击队埋伏在丛林中。There are laws against burning down forests.有法律禁止烧毁森林。We spent the day trekking through forests and over mountains.白天我们穿过丛林,翻山越岭。As a result of the rape of the forests, parts of the country are now short of water.由于森林遭到破坏,目前该国的部分地区水源短缺。Acid rain poisons fish, destroys forests, and corrodes buildings.酸雨会毒死鱼类,毁灭森林,腐蚀建筑。We were driven across this wondrous vast land of lakes and forests.我们乘车穿越这片有着湖泊及森林的广袤而神奇的土地。The road climbs and dips between thick forests.这条路在密林之间上上下下。All our timber is sourced from sustainable forests.我们所有的木材都来自于可持续森林资源。It appals me how we use the oceans, forests and skies as dumping grounds.我震惊地发现我们是如何将海洋、森林和天空当作我们的垃圾倾倒场。They say that these forests are filled with wild creatures. 他们说这片森林里有许多野兽。The forests are public domain.这些森林是国有土地。Thousands of acres of forests and scrubland have been burnt.已经有数千英亩森林和灌木丛林地被烧毁。The trail wends its way through dark forests.这条小径穿过黑暗的森林。Their commitment was only to maintain the extent of forests, not their biodiversity.他们仅承诺维持现有森林面积,并不保证林区生物的多样性。




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