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词汇 absorb
例句 We closed our offices at 2:00 p.m. to give employees time to absorb the bad news.我们下午两点就放工了,以便给员工时间来慢慢接受这一坏消息。His ability to absorb bits of disconnected information was astonishing.他吸收利用互不相关的零碎信息的能耐惊人。His ability to absorb information was astonishing, but his concentration span was short.他吸收信息的能力令人吃惊,但是他的注意力持续时间很短。Her capacity to absorb information is amazing .她对信息的掌握能力令人称奇。It took a long time for the armed forces to absorb new equipment.武装部队花了很长时间去掌握新装备。After a while she reached the saturation point and could absorb nothing more from the lectures.她一会儿功夫就达到了饱和点,便再也不能从讲课中吸收更多的信息了。Fires make erosion more likely by burning away trees and shrubs that anchor soil and absorb runoff.大火烧光了可稳固土壤并吸收径流的树木和灌木,从而增加了水土流失的可能性。A well-designed sports shoe should absorb the impact on your feet.设计优良的运动鞋应当能够吸收脚底受到的冲击力。Plants absorb nutrients from the soil.植物从土壤中吸收养分。Plant roots absorb moisture.植物的根系吸收水分。Deep carpets can absorb some of the noise.厚实的地毯能部分消音。The banks would be forced to absorb large losses.银行将被迫承受巨大的损失。We had to absorb a lot of new information very quickly.我们不得不迅速掌握大量新信息。The material can absorb outward-going radiation from the Earth.该物质可以吸收地球向外辐射的能量。Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air.植物从空气中吸收二氧化碳。Plants use their roots to absorb moisture from the soil.植物利用根从土壤中吸收水分。I'm so tired, my poor befuddled brain can't absorb any more.我太累了,可怜的大脑昏昏沉沉的,再也记不住任何东西了。It's hard to absorb so much information.掌握如此大量信息非常困难。These shoes are not designed to absorb the impact of running.这些鞋子的设计无法缓冲奔跑时产生的冲击力。Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil.植物从空气中吸收二氧化碳并从土壤中汲取水分。I cannot absorb the additional cost of fuel.我无法负担额外的燃料费用。Well-written notes are as good as any textbook and easier to absorb.记录得好的笔记跟教科书一样有用,而且更容易让人理解。Most people need to read something more than once to absorb all the ideas.大多数人都需要阅读一遍以上才能理解所有的意思。Oil companies say they will absorb these price rises, and not pass them on to customers.石油公司说他们会承担价格的上涨,不会把费用转移到顾客身上。In cold climates, houses need to have walls that will absorb heat.在气候寒冷的地方,房屋的墙壁必须能吸收热量。The increase in greenhouse gases is the direct result of pollution, and the indirect result of a reduction in the atmosphere's ability to absorb them.温室气体的增加是污染造成的直接后果,而间接后果是大气吸收温室气体的能力下降。That causes the moss to absorb water.这就是苔藓能够吸水的原因。The fund may not be large enough to absorb these losses.这笔资金数额不够大,没法抵消这些亏损。Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.树木吸收二氧化碳并产生氧气。The government is not strong enough to absorb vigorous criticism by its citizens.政府地位不够稳固,无力承受公民激烈的批评。It might help if campaigning didn't absorb so much time and money.如果竞选活动没有浪费如此多的时间和金钱,可能会好一些。She won't be able to absorb another heavy blow.她无力承受再一次沉重的打击。The cells absorb light and convert it to energy.电池吸收光并把光转化为能。I had little time to absorb this information.我几乎没有时间消化这些信息。The company has had to absorb many setbacks in the past year.公司在过去的一年里被迫经受了许多挫折。Parachute payments were introduced to help relegated clubs absorb the huge losses in revenue that accompany dropping out of the Premier League. 引进降级付费的原因是为了帮助那些因为降级而在财政收入上遭到巨大损失的俱乐部。In a head-on crash, the front of the car concertinas to absorb the impact.在发生迎面相撞时,车的前部会被撞瘪以吸收冲击力。We can't absorb those costs.我们无法承担这些费用。Agricultural subsidies absorb about half the EU's income.农业补贴占去了欧盟收入的大约一半。The leaves absorb moisture from the air.树叶吸收空气中的水分。




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