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例句 Sarah, for all her faults, wasn't at all a bad cook.尽管萨拉有这样那样的缺点,但她绝不是个糟糕的厨子。I would never invite him to my house again—not for all the tea in China.我以后再也不会邀请他来我家,无论如何都不。The tone of her voice was designed to stamp on this topic of conversation once and for all.她故意用那样的语气说话,就是想彻底结束这个话题。What he needed was an outlet for all his excess energy.他需要的是一个能让他发泄浑身过多精力的途径。He looked for all the world like a country doctor.他看上去活脱像个乡村医生。We would like to express our warmest thanks for all you've done.我们想对你们所做的一切表示最热诚的感谢。It's an exciting time for all of us.这是一个令我们大家激动的时刻。I should like to express my thanks for all that you have done.我想对你所做的一切表示感谢。Walter begged her pardon for all the pain he had caused her.沃尔特请求她原谅自己给她造成那么多痛苦。Nuclear power by itself cannot provide for all our energy needs.仅核能本身并不能提供我们所需的全部能源。They wanted an amnesty for all political prisoners.他们希望对所有政治犯实行大赦。Inadequate resources pose a problem for all members of staff.资源不足给所有工作人员造成困难。Mark has a fascination for all things electrical.马克对凡是和电有关的东西都十分感兴趣。She's decided to write her memoirs to set the record straight once and for all.她决定撰写回忆录以彻底澄清事实。They had to be defeated once and for all.必须彻底击败他们。We must take off the kid gloves and smash these evil monsters once and for all.我们不能再过于小心翼翼了,必须彻底消灭这些恶势力。Each new leader would blame his predecessor for all the evils of the past.每个新上任的领导人都会把过去所有的弊病全都归罪于他的前任。The training is obligatory for all personnel.所有人员都必须参加培训。We can cater for all age groups in our summer schools.我们的暑期学校可以招收各个年龄段的学员。She may have some shortcomings, but she is a good mother for all that.她可能有一些缺点,尽管如此,她还是一位好母亲。Finding a publisher is hard for all writers.对所有作家来说,找出版商都并非易事。His decision sounds the death knell for all our hopes.他的决定预报我们的希望将全部破灭。How can I pay you back for all your kindness?我怎样才能报答你的一片好意呢? I'm afraid he can not atone for all his misdeeds.恐怕他无法抵偿他所有的罪行。The contract says quite clearly that the landlord must pay for all repairs to the house.合同上写得明明白白,房东必须支付房屋的修缮费用。John's back home once and for all.约翰回到家,再也不走了。The actions of those who died in the Great War will be remembered for all time.一次大战中死难者的事迹,我们将永志不忘。This is a time of great sorrow for all the family.这是全家人悲痛万分的时刻。They discussed whether patients should have to pay for all elective surgery.他们对病人是否应该支付选择性手术的全部费用进行了讨论。In his acceptance speech the President promised civil rights for all.在接受提名的演说中,总统保证所有人都将享受到公民的权利。There's no need for all this violence.所有这些暴力都是没必要的。We threw a big party for all our friends and relations. 我们举办了一个大型聚会,邀请了所有的亲朋好友。It is an occasion for all the family to celebrate.这是个值得举家庆祝的时刻。What's the reason for all these interminable delays?这些没完没了的延误是什么原因?But for all the cancers that are caught by doctors, many still slip through.除了医生诊断出来的癌症,还有许多未被发现。The French Revolution was the template for all future revolutions.法国大革命是后来所有革命运动的榜样。He's finally getting paid back for all the trouble he caused.他最终为他惹出的所有麻烦埋单。The need for food and water are basic drives for all living things.食物和水是所有生物的本能需求。The coach has become the whipping boy for all of the team's problems.这个教练成了队里一切问题的替罪羊。I don't envy you the job of cooking for all those people.为所有那些人做饭,你这种工作我可不眼红。




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