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词汇 for a few minutes
例句 The iodine will sting for a few minutes.碘酒会引发几分钟的刺痛感。Some guy tussled with a security guard for a few minutes before he was arrested.有个人与保安扭打了几分钟后被捕了。She'll be away from her desk for just a few minutes. = She'll just be away from her desk for a few minutes.她只是要离开办公桌一小会。Sorry, I must have dozed off for a few minutes.对不起,我肯定是睡着了几分钟。She was silent for a few minutes as she thought about how to answer him.她沉默了几分钟,思考如何回答他。She talked to us for a few minutes before scooting off to some appointment.她和我们说了几分钟话,然后就匆匆赴约去了。Well, at least put your feet up for a few minutes. Would you like a drink?那么,起码也该歇一会吧。你想喝一杯吗?I waited for the coffee to percolate for a few minutes.我等咖啡滤煮了几分钟。Sam typed away for a few minutes.萨姆打了几分钟的字。She kept dropping off for a few minutes, before waking with a start.她不停地打瞌睡,断断续续地睡几分钟,后来突然惊醒了。Could you all log off for a few minutes, please?你们都退出一会儿好吗?You should always warm up for a few minutes before you begin to run.跑步之前你都应该花几分钟时间做热身运动。I had a chance to visit with her for a few minutes after the meeting.会后,我得以和她交谈了几分钟。He had finished, but he remained at the microphone for a few minutes, gazing at the audience.他讲完了,但是在麦克风旁边待了几分钟,看着观众。The machine is only turned off for a few minutes at a time.这台机器一次只关几分钟时间。Leave the vegetables to simmer for a few minutes.把蔬菜再炖几分钟。They could only leave their pond for a few minutes before they began to shrivel up and die.它们只能离开池塘几分钟,随后就开始枯萎并死去。Sprinkle the potatoes with grated cheese and grill for a few minutes.将磨碎的奶酪撒在土豆上,然后烤上几分钟。He panned over the crowd for a few minutes before swivelling back to the right.他从头到尾移动拍摄了那群人好几分钟,才转回右侧。Fry the onions gently, and then add the meat and cook for a few minutes.把洋葱稍稍炒一下,然后放进肉烧几分钟。I sat down and let him ramble on for a few minutes.我坐下来让他瞎扯了一会儿。One afternoon, I grew bored and actually fell asleep for a few minutes.一天下午,我觉得有些无聊,还真的睡着了一小会儿。Her eyes fixed for a few minutes.好几分钟她的眼睛一动也不动。After watching me flounder for a few minutes, my instructor took over.老师看到我支吾了好几分钟,就替我把话接过去了。You look tired. Why don't you come and have a sit-down for a few minutes.你看起来很疲惫,为什么不来坐下休息几分钟呢?We talked through an interpreter for a few minutes.我们通过一位翻译谈了几分钟。My car snapped for a few minutes then wouldn't start.我的汽车咔哒咔哒响了一阵之后,再也发动不起来了。I'll only keep you for a few minutes.我只占你几分钟时间。Please cover for me at the counter for a few minutes.请替我站几分钟柜台。Mark was punch-drunk for a few minutes after he fell off his bicycle.马克从自行车上摔下来,有好几分钟时间晕晕乎乎。I like to macerate the food in liqueur for a few minutes before serving.我喜欢先把这种食物在利口酒里浸泡几分钟再端上桌。Let's take time-out for a few minutes.让我们休息几分钟吧。The dog gazed at us lugubriously for a few minutes.那只狗阴郁地盯着我们看了几分钟。Heat the sauce gently for a few minutes.用文火把酱汁加热几分钟。I waited for the coffee to percolate down for a few minutes.我等咖啡滤煮了几分钟。She limbered up for a few minutes before starting to run.她在起跑前进行了几分钟的热身。The dog gazed at us lugubriously for a few minutes.那只狗悲伤地盯着我们看了几分钟。They stopped work for a few minutes to consider his offer.他们停止工作几分钟,考虑他的提议。You should run the engine for a few minutes before you start driving.开车之前,要让发动机运转几分钟。At midnight he awoke and listened to the radio for a few minutes.他半夜醒来,听了一会儿收音机。




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