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词汇 angrily
例句 The Conservative Party rounded angrily on him for damaging the Government.保守党愤怒地抨击他破坏政府。Tom pounded the table angrily.汤姆气愤地猛击桌子。He angrily told her to quit it. 他愤怒地叫她罢手。She pouted her lips and stared at him angrily.她噘着嘴,生气地瞪着他。He hit back angrily, saying such remarks were childishly simplistic.他愤怒地反击,说这些话太过幼稚。Tod shook his head angrily and slung the coil of rope over his shoulder.托德气愤地摇了摇头,然后把那卷绳子往肩上一搭。He sat there in silence, glaring angrily.他默默地坐在那里,怒目而视。He angrily struck back at his critics.他愤怒地回击批评他的人。He cursed and his mother angrily told him to watch his mouth. 他骂骂咧咧的,他母亲告诫他说话注意点。He crashed his fists angrily down on my desk.他气冲冲地用拳头嘭地一声捶打在我的书桌上。He angrily stomped his foot.他生气地跺脚。She angrily told him to go away and stop bothering her.她生气地叫他走开,别再烦她。She angrily told him to bug off.她生气地叫他走开。Protesters angrily accused the police of violence and intimidation.抗议者愤怒地指责警方采用暴力和威胁手段。He hit out angrily when I suggested it had been his fault.当我暗示这是他的错误时,他愤怒地抨击我。The Everton manager remonstrated angrily with the referee.埃弗顿队主教练愤怒地向裁判抗议。Ned reacted angrily to Bill's comments.内德对比尔的话非常气愤。He champed his pipe angrily.他生气地吧嗒着他的烟斗。She tossed angrily out of the room.她怒气冲冲地扭头走出房间。He swore angrily when he realized he'd missed the train.当他知道自己误了火车,就气愤得咒骂起来。She angrily slung a scarf around her head, flattening her halo of hair.她气鼓鼓地把头巾裹在头上,发髻都被压扁了。I looked up angrily at my brother.我抬起头气冲冲地看着我弟弟。The bull bellowed angrily.公牛发出了怒吼。Health workers are angrily demanding higher pay.医务人员正怒气冲冲地要求增加工资。The taxi driver was angrily tooting his horn.那个出租车司机在愤怒地按喇叭。She angrily stalked out of the room.她怒气冲冲地大步走出房间。Henry slammed the phone down angrily.亨利气呼呼地摔下电话。Officials reacted angrily to those charges.官员们对那些指控很生气。She swivelled round and glared angrily at him.她转过身来气呼呼地瞪着他。The driver tooted his horn angrily.男司机愤怒地摁喇叭。The Labour front bench reacted angrily.工党的前座议员愤怒地回应。France and Italy reacted angrily to the decision.法国和意大利对这个决定表示愤慨。Katherine angrily snatched her hand out of his grasp.凯瑟琳气愤地把被他紧紧抓住的手快速地抽了回来。Bill marched off angrily in the opposite direction.比尔愤愤地大踏步往相反方向走去。She slammed the telephone down angrily.她气愤地用力挂下电话。The senator angrily voiced his objection to the bill.这位参议员愤怒地表示反对这一议案。He flung the books aside angrily.他生气地把书扔到一边。He angrily told them to put a lid on their complaints. 他愤怒地叫他们不要再抱怨了。She angrily told him to stop acting like a horse's ass.她气愤地叮嘱他做事别再像傻瓜一样。His eyes glinted angrily.他的眼里冒着怒火。




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