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词汇 angered
例句 The president's proposal to scrap the program has angered many members of Congress.总统放弃这个计划的提议激怒了许多国会议员。His coldness angered her.他的冷漠激怒了她。Toricelli angered fellow Democrats by breaking ranks with the leadership.托里塞利与领导层的意见不合激怒了其民主党同仁。It angered me that she would say something like that.她居然说出那样的话,太让我生气了。I was deeply angered by their lack of concern.他们的漠不关心令我异常愤怒。William was angered and embarrassed by his oversight.威廉因为自己的疏忽而羞愤交加。He's a gentle man who's not easily angered.他是个绅士,不轻易动怒。The police department's handling of the affair has angered many in the community.警察部门对这件事的处理激怒了社区里的许多人。They were angered by his presumption.他们对他的放肆感到非常愤怒。The plan to cull large numbers of baby seals has angered environmental groups.选择性捕杀大量小海豹的计划引起了环保组织的强烈愤慨。The decision to again allow logging in the area angered environmentalists.再次允许在该地区伐木的决定激怒了环保人士。He is not easily angered.他不容易生气。They were shocked and angered by the company's arrogance.公司的傲慢无礼让他们感到既震惊又气愤。The king's indulgence towards his sons angered the business community.国王对儿子们的纵容令商界恼火。The school board's decision angered many students and parents alike.校董事会的决定激怒了许多学生。What angered me most was his total lack of remorse.最使我生气的是他居然一点悔意都没有。The senator lost votes when he angered some of his supporters.那位议员因激怒了他的一些支持者而丢了选票。She is terribly offended, angered and hurt by this.她认为这是对她的严重冒犯,感到非常愤怒和深受伤害。His lordly manners angered everyone.他那不可一世的样子惹得大家生了气。She was angered by the passivity of her coworkers.她被同事们消极的状态激怒了。He was angered by the imputations of negligence in the report.他被报道中玩忽职守的责难所激怒。The continued exertion angered his wound.连续用力使他的伤口肿痛发炎。He really angered her, so she went for a walk to get it out of her system.他真的惹怒了她,所以她出去散步消消气。He was angered to learn that he had been fired.得知被炒鱿鱼,他很生气。Her obduracy angered them.她的固执惹恼了他们。She is terribly offended, angered, and hurt by this.她认为这是对她的严重冒犯,感到非常愤怒和受伤。Bruck's forthright comments angered several people in the audience.布鲁克的快言快语激怒了在座的好几个人。Many Koreans were angered at what they saw as an evasion of responsibility.很多韩国人认为这是在逃避责任,对此非常愤慨。His hostile attitude angered her.他的敌意让她很生气。The king was angered by the recreancy of his wife and his best friend.妻子及他最好的朋友的不忠使国王非常恼怒。He angered his constituency by voting against the bill.他投票反对议案,激怒了他的选区选民。Her peremptory tone/attitude angered me.她盛气凌人的语气/态度让我很生气。The liberals were angered by Britain's back-pedalling.自由党人对英国改变立场感到愤怒。His criticism angered her, but rather than start a fight, she let it pass.他的抨击令她恼火,但她没有和他开战,而是置之不理。The king's indulgence towards his sons angered the business community.国王对儿子们的纵容激怒了商界。Environmental groups were disappointed and angered by the president's decision.环保组织对总统的决定感到失望和愤怒。The decision to allow more offshore oil drilling angered some Californians.允许进行更多近海石油钻探的决定激怒了一些加利福尼亚人。What really angered her was the dirty, underhand way they had tricked her.真正使她愤怒的是他们竟用卑鄙手段欺骗她。The country's Jewish population was angered by the prime minister's remarks.该国的犹太人被总理的言辞激怒了。




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