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词汇 five
例句 Some monkeys can leap four or five metres from one tree to another.有些猴子能从一棵树跳到另一棵树上,距离有四五米远。Our family was on the move for five years until dad found a good job.在父亲找到一份好工作之前,我们一家人有五年多都在奔波,四处迁移。Dr Martineau had written an article about advances in medicine over the last five years.马蒂诺博士写了一篇文章,内容是关于过去五年里的医学进展。In the last five years development agencies have bought up almost all the land in the area.过去的五年内,开发商几乎买下了这地区的所有土地。He pleaded guilty to a charge of rape, as well as five historic sexual offences.他承认了强奸指控,以及五起过去的性侵犯罪。It took me back to being five years old.这使我回想起我五岁的时候。China enters a new five-year-plan period next year.中国明年开始进入新一个五年计划期。Before I gave up coffee, I was drinking five cups a day.我没戒咖啡时一天要喝五杯。There were four or five boxes containing toys and books.有四五个装着玩具和书的箱子。She finished the race five seconds outside the record.她以超过纪录五秒的成绩完成了赛跑。My aunt has five daughters and three sons.我姑妈有五个女儿、三个儿子。The rail company plans to open several new lines over the next five years.铁路公司计划在未来五年再开几条新线路。He lost the bet and had to pay his brother five dollars.他赌输了,只好给了弟弟五美元。The batteries provide enough power for up to five hours of continuous use.这些电池可持续使用五个小时。The car has to be serviced every five or six thousand miles.汽车每行驶五六千英里就得检修一次。Our family adopted a child aged five.我们家领养了一个五岁的孩子。Klein is bound and determined to win at least five races this year.克莱因决心很大,今年至少要赢五场比赛。We expect inspections of schools to take place every four or five years.我们希望对学校的检查能每四五年进行一次。She wrote five books in as many years.她五年时间里写了五本书。They achieved their goal of increasing sales by five percent.他们实现了销售增长百分之五的目标。A five-car pileup slowed traffic.五辆车相撞导致交通减慢。During the most productive time in her career, she wrote five novels.在她创作生涯中最多产的时期,她写了五本小说。If you're absent more than five times, you fail the course.如果你缺课超过五次,就不能通过这门课了。He appealed against the five-year sentence he had been given.他对被判五年徒刑提出上诉。She counted out five $10 notes.她点出五张十元的钞票。She's quit smoking four or five times, but she always starts again.她已戒了四五次烟,但总是戒了又再抽。She is five years senior to me. = She is senior to me by five years. 她比我大五岁。For every answer that is wrong, you lose five points.答错一题扣五分。Both horse and rider were dripping with sweat within five minutes.没过五分钟,马和骑手都大汗淋漓。That actor has been on five prime time programs.那位演员已经上过五次黄金档的节目。He won five England caps.他五次入选英格兰队。There are just five commercial apple farms left in the whole southwest.在整个西南地区只剩下五个商业性苹果种植场。Perkins was given five years in prison for robbery with violence.珀金斯因为行凶抢劫被判刑五年。He was offering odds of five to one.他提出以五比一的赔率打赌。He reached across and gave me a high five.他伸过手来跟我击掌。She had already refilled his glass five or six times.她已给他的杯子添了五六次水。Her children are aged seven and five.她的孩子一个七岁,一个五岁。They have five grandchildren.他们有五个孙儿孙女。I've read five of his books, and I'm not going to stop until I've read them all.他的书我已看过五本,我要全部看完了才罢休。She has responsibility for five employees.她负责五名雇员。




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