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Thus, he has terrible fits of remorse and repentance; but he is lavish and thriftless all the same.因此,他一阵阵地非常自责、悔恨;但是他还是那样地铺张浪费、不知节俭。It's a nifty little nipper that fits handily into your pocket.这是一只实用的小镊子,可以方便地放进口袋里。We know what kind of house we want, but we haven't yet found one that fits the bill.我们知道自己想找什么样的房子,可还没找到完全符合我们要求的。The dress fits perfectly. 这条连衣裙完全合身。The new hearing aid fits unobtrusively into the outer ear.这种新的助听器塞在外耳道里,并不显眼。Unfortunately our research has only continued in fits and starts.可惜的是我们的研究只是在断断续续地进行。Her name fits in with a traditionally feminine image.她的名字符合传统的女性形象。Police said the car fits the description of the stolen vehicle.警方称,这辆车符合对被盗车辆的描述。The patient had repeated cold and hot fits with only one or two well-days between them.病人总是一阵冷一阵热,中间只有一两天不发病。His description fits perfectly the evidence dug up by Clyde.他的描述和克莱德发现的证据正好吻合。Soon he was seized with fits of gloominess.一阵阵的忧郁立即向他袭来。His stories had them in fits of laughter.他的故事引得他们不时地大笑。The shirt fits tight across the shoulders.衬衫的双肩很贴身。Before she died she had fits of delirium.去世前她一阵阵地胡言乱语。The disease progressed in fits and starts for at least two decades.这种疾病断断续续地持续了至少二十年。Their courtship was gradual, proceeding by fits and starts.他们的恋爱是时断时续逐渐发展的。They like this approach because it fits in with their own preconceptions.他们喜欢这一方法,因为它与他们事先的想法一致。This jacket fits you perfectly.你穿这件茄克衫很合身。This fits on here, see, where the arrow is.这个装在这里,看,箭头所在的地方。Her new car fits/suits her to a T. 她的新车对她再合适不过了Her new car fits/suits her to a tee. 她的新车和她是绝配。I hope this key fits the lock.我希望这把钥匙能打开这把锁。He fits the description perfectly. = The description fits him perfectly.他和所描述的一模一样。The joke sent the audience into fits of laughter. 这个笑话引起观众阵阵笑声。The book fits the classic model of a postmodern narrative.该书属于后现代叙事的经典模型。They rummage through piles of second-hand clothes for something that fits.他们在一堆堆的二手衣服里翻找着合身的衣服。Lots of men had conniption fits about the Equal Rights Amendment.许多男人对《平等权利修正案》表现得歇斯底里。They broke into fits of uncontrollable laughter.他们忍不住大笑起来。The shirt fits snugly around the neck.衬衫领子的大小正好。There was a brief stunned silence, and then the entire family went into fits of laughter.有短短的一段时间大家都惊愕得张口结舌,过了一会,全家人都纵声大笑起来。These mild fits are quite a common occurrence in babies.这种轻微的病症在婴儿中很常见。She was given to fits of temperament.她忍不住发了几通脾气。She told us the full story, in fits and starts.她断断续续地把整件事讲给我们听。She hurt her arm during one of her fits.她在一次发病时弄伤了胳膊。The table fits in nicely with the rest of the furniture.桌子和其他家具非常搭配。The school recognizes that a one size fits all approach won't work for these children. 学校意识到,对这些儿童采用一视同仁的教学法是行不通的。The victim's family do not believe that this punishment fits the crime.受害者的家人认为这一惩罚与他所犯的罪行不相称。He suffers from a brain disorder that can trigger convulsive fits.他患了脑疾,可能会引发惊厥。She dissolved into fits of laughter.她一阵阵大笑起来。Her new dress fits without a wrinkle.她那件新衣非常合身,穿在身上一无皱痕。 |