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词汇 fit
例句 The girls were laughing fit to burst.女孩子们笑破了肚皮。These light and compact items fit comfortably into most carryalls.这些小巧轻便的物品可以轻松地放入大多数大手提包里。You must be very fit if you do so much running.如果你跑步这么多,身体肯定很健康。He tried to fit in with her methods as far as possible.他设法尽量适应她的方法。It is extremely doubtful that he will be fit enough to play in the final.以他的身体状况,能否参加决赛,大可怀疑。The crime was committed in a fit of passion.这个罪行是在盛怒之下所犯的。You need to be very fit to hike the Inca Trail.徒步印加古道必须具备强壮的体魄。She sewed a couple of darts in the skirt to make it fit better.她在裙子上缝了几个褶,使它更加合身。Will these gloves fit you?这副手套适合你吗?How do you fit in in the countryside?你们在农村过得惯吗? Wearing the right shoes and clothes as well as being fit can make all the difference.穿着合适的鞋子和衣服,再加上健康的体魄,情况会大不相同。He is not 100 percent match fit and needs to be playing week in, week out. 他的比赛适能还没有达到百分之百,需要一周又一周地参加比赛才行。He recast his political image to fit the times.为了与时俱进,他重塑了自己的政治形象。The desk will fit nicely in that recess.这张写字台正好可以放进那个壁凹内。A contoured mouse is shaped to provide a better fit for the keyboarder's hand.更适合键盘使用者手形的流线鼠标面世了。You could lose the last paragraph to make it fit on one page.你可以把最后一段删掉,这样就能放入一页了。We bought the sofa on the understanding that we could return it if it didn't fit in the room.我们买下这个沙发,前提是不合适可以退货。The building is no longer fit for people to live in.这栋建筑不再适合住人了。The keep-fit bandwagon started rolling in the mid 80s.八十年代中期,健身热潮开始涌动。Once a fit has started there is nothing you can do to stop it.痉挛一旦发作就无法止住。He apologized profusely in a fit of remorse.他感到一阵懊悔,连声道歉。A just judge will try to make the punishment fit the crime.公正的法官会尽量做到罪罚相当。If you keep fit, you can enjoy life well into old age.如果你保持身体健康,就能安享晚年。The clothes fit loosely.这些衣服穿起来后很宽松。This house is not fit to live in, I'm getting out.这所房子不适宜于居住,我准备搬走。Dr Jones is very busy but I'm sure she'll be able to fit you in tomorrow.琼斯医生很忙,但是我肯定她明天能安排时间见您。These are classic designs which will fit in well anywhere.这是些百搭的古雅图案。The car is plenty large enough to fit six people.这辆汽车坐六个人绰绰有余。The house was not fit for human habitation.这座房子不适合人居住。I try to stay fit, but I'm not obsessive about it.我努力保持健康,但并不过分苛求。The safety belt is easy to fit as there's no need to bolt it to seat belt anchorage points.由于不必扣在座位的固定夹上,安全带很容易就可以系好。There was nothing wrong with the coat - we took it back to the shop because it didn't fit her.这件外套没什么地方不好,只是她穿着不合身,我们就把它退还给商店了。Be careful to fit the part onto the board the right way round.当心点,要把这一块正面朝外镶到板上去。Do you think you'll be fit in time for Saturday's race?你觉得你能及时恢复健康参加星期六的比赛吗?Only half the land was fit for immediate use.只有一半的土地能直接使用。He says that he keeps fit by marathon running.他说他通过跑马拉松健身。I've got all the pieces; now I just have to fit them together.我有全部零件;现在只需把它们组装起来。If your mother finds out about this, she'll have a fit.如果你母亲知道这事,她会大发脾气的。All these groceries won't fit in the trunk of my car. = These groceries won't all fit in the trunk of my car.我汽车的后备厢装不下所有这些杂货。My dad will throw a major fit if he finds out!如果爸爸发现了,他会大发脾气的!




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