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词汇 fists
例句 He doubled his fists and began shouting.他握紧拳头,大喊起来。Sue grabbed him, screeching, and started hitting him with her fists.休抓着他,尖叫着用拳头打他。He hammered on the table with his fists.他用拳头捶打着桌子。Rochester was banging his fists on the wall, raging incoherently.罗切斯特挥拳往墙上猛击,气得语无伦次。She wanted to strike him with her fists.她想用拳头揍他。He clenched his fists in agony as the doctor cleaned the wound.医生替他洗伤口时他忍痛握紧双拳。Some protesters shook their fists in anger.一些抗议者愤怒地挥舞着拳头。Her fists clenched in defiance.她双拳紧握,拒绝服从。He beat the door with his fists. = He beat his fists against/on the door.他不停地用拳头砸门。His fists were balled, and his face was mottled red and white.他握紧了拳头,脸色变得红一块白一块的。The two advanced on him with clenched fists.这两人紧握拳头向他进逼过来。He clenched his fists, seething with anger.他紧握拳头,怒火中烧。He crashed his fists angrily down on my desk.他气冲冲地用拳头嘭地一声捶打在我的书桌上。He lashed out at her with his fists.他用拳头猛揍她。She whaled on him with her fists.她不断用拳头打他。Velluci ran after the car waving his fists.维卢西挥着拳头追赶那辆汽车。It seemed that Rory was spoiling for a fight; his fists were balled and he was breathing heavily.看样子罗里很想打一架;他攥紧拳头,呼吸粗重。Cailean was tired of using his fists to get everything he wanted.凯兰已厌倦了用拳头得到自己想要的一切东西。He clenched his fists in frustration.他气恼得握紧拳头。He lashed out at them with his fists.他用拳头猛揍他们。He swore at us and put up his fists as if he was going to punch one of us.他对我们骂骂咧咧,举起拳头作势要打人。She ran at him, her fists flying.她挥舞着拳头向他跑去。She struck at him with her fists.她用拳头打他。Alex clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.亚历克丝攥紧拳头,牙咬得咯咯响。Angry protestors with clenched fists shouted their defiance.愤怒的抗议者们紧握拳头大声抗议。He raised his fists heavenward.他把双拳举向天空。From the rostrum he thundered at them and shook his fists.他从讲坛上向他们大声斥责,并且挥动双拳。Jo flew at him, pummelling his chest with clenched fists.乔猛地扑向他,紧握双拳对他当胸一顿狂揍。He dug both his fists into the soldier's middle.他双拳猛击那个士兵的肚子。She battered away at his chest with her fists.她用拳头捶打着他的胸口。I stood up quickly and balled my hands into fists.我迅速站起来,双手攥成拳头。The two men had at each other with fists and feet.那两个人相互拳打脚踢。The boxers hit each other with their fists.拳击选手用拳头相互猛击对方。I closed my fists and got ready to fight.我握紧拳头,准备打架。Then he hammered on the door, using his fists as if they were mallets.然后他用他的拳头敲门,就像用大头锤一样。He became furious and pitched into that fellow with fists.他大怒起来,挥拳殴打那家伙。The two drivers began yelling and shaking their fists at each other.两位司机开始挥舞着拳头大吵起来。They set to with their fists.他们动起了拳头。They went for each other with their fists and had to be pulled apart.他们挥着拳头打了起来,不得不被人拉开。Sam's hands curled up into fists.萨姆攥紧了双拳。




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