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词汇 first night
例句 The play brought appreciative, nostalgic comments from the first night audience.首场演出后,这部戏得到了观众的赞赏,引起了观众的怀旧情怀。It was here that we dossed down for our first night in the forest.我们就是在这儿凑合着睡下,在森林里度过了我们的第一个夜晚。He had not tried to get her into bed on the first night.第一夜,他没有试图诱她上床。My first night in Saigon I paid an unannounced visit to my father's cousins.到西贡的第一个晚上,我给堂叔伯们来了个突然袭击。It's a good idea to spend the first night of your holiday sleeping off the jet lag.把假期的第一个晚上用来睡觉倒时差是个不错的主意。The performance on the first night came off pretty well.首晚的演出相当成功。That first night I emceed I was absolutely terrified.第一次担任主持的那个晚上,我吓得完全乱了阵脚。Weeks of ballyhoo preceded the play's first night.此剧首演之前进行了好几星期哗众取宠的广告宣传。We pitched the tents ready for our first night camping.露营第一晚我们把帐篷搭置妥当。The first night we laid over at Philadelphia.第一天晚上我们在费城过夜。The first night we met he gave me a bunch of flowers.我们认识的第一个晚上,他就送了我一束花。On the first night of the show, the star of the play lost his voice and couldn't perform.头一晚表演男主角就失声了,没法演出。On my first night, the adjoining room was occupied by honeymooners.我在那里的第一个夜晚,隔壁房间住的是一对度蜜月的新婚夫妇。The first night crowd packed the building.第一个夜场演出爆满。The critics damned the play on the first night.这出戏在首演之夜就被评论家批评得一无是处。




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