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词汇 anecdotes
例句 A daisy chain of anecdotes introduces the reminiscences.一连串轶事勾起了对往事的回忆。The book is well larded with anecdotes.书中穿插了不少轶闻趣事。Tony recounted some funny anecdotes from his teenage years.托尼讲述了他少年时代的几件趣事。The book is salted with witty anecdotes. 这本书里有许多趣闻轶事。It is not just a textbook for professional diplomats. The lay reader will enjoy the anecdotes.它不仅仅是职业外交家的教科书,里面的轶事趣闻外行的读者也会喜欢。He told us all sorts of humorous anecdotes about his childhood.他给我们讲了他童年时的各种趣闻乐事。He camped it up, he told bad taste jokes and endless anecdotes with no point at all.他耍宝逗乐,讲荤段子,没完没了地说一堆毫无头绪的八卦。He camped it up, he told bad taste jokes and endless anecdotes.他耍起宝来,讲着低俗笑话和没完没了的轶事。Jessica dipped into her store of theatrical anecdotes.杰西卡翻阅了自己收集的大量演艺界的趣闻轶事资料。He has a good line in anecdotes.他很会讲趣闻轶事。He was long on humorous anecdotes.他能讲很多趣闻轶事。He interspersed his speech with anecdotes.他在演讲中穿插一些趣闻轶事。She told us anecdotes about the hospital and the patients.她告诉我有关这家医院及病人的趣闻轶事。She has woven a strong personal narrative filled with lively anecdotes.她编织了一个充满趣闻轶事、令人难忘的个人故事。She usually filled her talks out with anecdotes from her own experience.她通常用亲身经历的奇闻逸事充实讲话内容。He told one or two amusing anecdotes about his years as a policeman.他讲了一两件他当警察时发生的趣事。He related several anecdotes about his first years as a congressman.他讲述自己初任议员那几年的几则轶事。The book is full of amusing anecdotes about his life in Japan.这本书里全是他在日本生活的趣闻轶事。Personal anecdotes have no place in an academic essay.学术论文里容不得个人的趣闻轶事。She is good at telling anecdotes.她很擅长讲趣闻轶事。He uses personal anecdotes and literary allusions as well.他既用了个人轶事,也用了文学典故。The book is full of amusing anecdotes about his time in the police force.书里满篇都是他在警队里发生的趣事。We swapped anecdotes about old friends.我们互相讲述老朋友的趣闻轶事。His autobiography is padded with boring anecdotes.他的自传因添加无聊的趣闻轶事而加长了篇幅。He has a great fund of amusing anecdotes about great men.他有一肚子关于名人的趣闻轶事。




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