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词汇 firefighters
例句 The firefighters risked getting bricked when they answer calls.消防队员接到火灾警报,就意味着要去冒被砖头砸的危险。The firefighters displayed both heroism and staunchness.消防队员显示出英雄气概和不屈不挠的精神。Several of the firefighters were injured by falling masonry.几名消防队员被落下的砖石砸伤。Five children perished before firefighters could put out the blaze.消防员扑灭大火前已有五名儿童丧生。It was several hours before firefighters could get the blaze under control.几个小时以后,消防员才控制住了大火。She thanked the firefighters who saved her life. 她感谢消防队员救了她的命。The blaze spread to two adjacent buildings before firefighters were able to contain it.消防员还没来得及控制火势,熊熊的烈火就蔓延到了毗邻的两栋大楼。This year no firefighters/police were killed in the line of duty. 今年没有消防员/警察在执行公务时殉职。The firefighters got the fire under control.消防队员控制住了火势。It took firefighters over two hours to put out the fire.消防员花了两个多小时才将火扑灭。Every day firefighters risk their lives in the course of their duty.消防队员每天在执行任务的过程中都冒着生命危险。The firefighters wore respirators to help them breathe in the smoke-filled house.消防员戴上防毒面具以便能在烟雾弥漫的房中呼吸。Over 300 firefighters were killed when the North Tower collapsed.三百多名消防员在北楼倒塌时丧生。The firefighters acted with great courage. = They acted courageously.消防员们表现英勇。The firefighters arrived, and within minutes the fire was out.消防员赶到,几分钟后火就扑灭了。The firefighters reacted quickly when they heard the alarm.消防队员听到警报信号后迅速做出反应。The firefighters enjoined the onlookers to stand clear.消防人员叫围观者让开。It took the firefighters several hours to extinguish the flames.消防队员花了几个小时才将烈焰扑灭。The firefighters reeled out the hoses from their fire engine.消防员从消防车上把水龙带放出来。The firefighters were driven back by the intense heat and smoke.消防队员被高温和浓烟逼退了。Two firefighters have been honoured for their courage.两名消防队员因非凡的勇气获嘉奖。His heroic actions typified the courage of all the firefighters at the scene.他的英勇行为代表了现场所有消防队员的英雄气概。In some countries, police and firefighters have paramilitary training.在一些国家,警察和消防员都接受准军事训练。The gallery owner applauded the efforts of firefighters to save the exhibits.画廊主人赞扬了消防队员为挽救展品所付出的努力。The judge praised the firefighters for their bravery and devotion to duty.法官赞扬消防人员的勇气和敬业精神。The firefighters reached the burning house none too soon. 消防队员刚好及时赶到了着火的房子。The two trapped firefighters were rescued on the second day.两名被困的消防队员第二天被营救了出来。Local firefighters will help colleagues in Eastern Europe by providing advice and equipment.当地的消防队员将会提供建议和设备来帮助东欧的同行们。The firefighters slid down the pole to their trucks.消防员顺竿滑到他们的消防车上。The firefighters bolted into action.消防员们迅速采取行动。The firefighters worked all night to control the fire.消防队员彻夜奋战以控制火势。Hundreds of firefighters came to help battle the forest fire.数百名消防队员赶来帮助扑灭林火。Several firefighters had been overcome by smoke and fumes.有几位消防员被烟气熏倒了。It took the firefighters just three minutes to arrive.消防员只用了三分钟就赶到了。The firefighters died when the warehouse floor collapsed.仓库楼板坍塌,消防员丧生。The advertisement shows two firefighters in action putting out a blaze.广告中出现两名救火员在扑灭大火的场景。A false alarm drew firefighters to the school.一个假警报让消防队员赶到了这所学校。By the time firefighters were called, the house was well ablaze.消防队员接到火警电话时,房子已是一片火海。The firefighters were undaunted by the dangerous conditions they faced.这些消防员面临危险处境毫不畏缩。In Wyoming, firefighters are still battling the two blazes.在怀俄明州,消防员还在为扑灭这两场大火而奋战。




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