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词汇 fire alarm
例句 Then the fire alarm went off. I just grabbed my clothes and ran out.当时火险警报器响了,我一把抓起衣服就往外跑。The teacher asked us to remain/stay calm after the fire alarm went off.火警铃声响了之后,老师让我们保持镇定。The biggest excitement of the day was when Joe accidentally set off the fire alarm.那一天最令人感到刺激的事就是乔无意中触响了火警。The fire alarm went off during the ceremony.举行庆典时火警报警器响了。The fire alarm was reset.火警报警器重新调过了。The fire alarm went off when I was making a coffee.我正在煮咖啡的时候火警报警器响了。When the fire alarm went off she just sat there as if she hadn't heard a thing.火警响起时她就坐在原处,好像什么都没听到似的。Someone set off the fire alarm.有人拉响了火警。The keys were lost during the panic over the fire alarm.钥匙在火警引起的恐慌中丢失了。I was in the canteen when the fire alarm went off.火警报警器响时,我正在食堂里。We lit out of the library when the fire alarm sounded.火警声响了以后我们立即离开了图书馆。The fire alarm went during his lecture.他演讲时火警铃响了。The fire alarm went off and within minutes the building had been cleared.火警警报响起来后,没过几分钟大楼里的人就全都撤离了。I was undressed when the fire alarm went off.火灾警报响起时,我未穿衣服。Someone accidentally set off the fire alarm.有人不小心碰响了火警报警器。It was thought that the fire alarm had been set off as a prank.人们认为火警报警器被拉响是个恶作剧。Some joker keeps setting off the fire alarm.一些讨厌的家伙不断触响火警。The fire alarm jumped us out of bed.火警警报把我们从床上惊起。 Smoke triggered the fire alarm.烟雾触发了火警警报器。The fire alarm has a weekly test/is tested weekly.每周都要对火警系统进行检测。If a fire alarm is given, drop whatever you are doing, and leave the building at once.如遇火警,立即停止手头的一切工作,马上离开建筑物。He was turning to ascend the ladder to the engine room when the ship's fire alarm sounded.他正转身爬梯子到发动机舱去,这时船上的火警响了。Kevin set off the fire alarm for a laugh.凯文为了博大家一笑拉响了火警钟。When the fire alarm sounds, leave the building and proceed to your assembly point.火灾警报一响,请离开大楼,前往你们的集合地点。




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