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Sweden has frontiers with Norway and Finland.瑞典的边界与挪威和芬兰相接。Northern Finland is a great place for owls.芬兰北部是鸮类的乐园。He has forsaken his native Finland to live in Britain.他离开祖国芬兰移居英国。Myssi is well known in Finland for her quirky food column, which is syndicated across the country.迈茜以其奇思妙想的食品专栏闻名芬兰,该专栏在全国多家报刊均有刊登。He had pinned up a map of Finland.他把一张芬兰地图钉在了墙上。Here's how the process works in Finland.下面谈谈该程序是如何在芬兰运行的。Not many films are made in Finland.芬兰出品的电影并不多。 |