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词汇 finish up
例句 You'll finish up dead if you carry on drinking like that.如果你继续这样喝下去的话,会把自己喝死的。Dan finished up his act with a joke about the Vice-President.丹拿副总统开了个玩笑来结束他的表演。She eventually finished up in London.她最后一站抵达了伦敦。I always finish up doing most of the work!最后总是我干大部分的工作!She married a Spaniard and finished up in Barcelona.她嫁给了一个西班牙人,最后在巴塞罗那定居了。He's probably going to finish up in jail for business fraud.他很可能会因为商业欺诈而落个锒铛入狱的下场。As soon as they've finished up, they kicked back and waited for the next show.他们一结束就放松休息,等着下一场表演。He finished up a painting.他给图画作最后的润色。You can finish up the puzzle tomorrow morning. It's time for bed now.你到明早再完成拼图游戏吧,现在该上床睡觉了。Maybe you too will finish up as Prime Minister.或许你最后也会当上首相。Meet me back here in half an hour - I just need to finish up a couple of things.半小时之后回到这里和我碰头,我只需要把几件事处理完。She finished up in nothing flat. 她很快就完成了。The traveller took the wrong train and finished up at a country village after many hours.旅行者坐错了火车,经过好多个小时后结果来到了一个村庄。We had an excellent dinner, and finished up with a glass of brandy.我们饱餐了一顿,最后喝了一杯白兰地。I never dreamed that I would finish up owing such a lot of property.我做梦也没有想到,最终我会拥有这么一大笔财产。I took a long holiday in Italy and finished up in Rome.我在意大利度了个长假,最后一站是罗马。The boys finished up everything on the table.男孩子们把桌上的东西吃得精光。They had met by chance at university and finished up getting married.他们在大学偶遇并终成眷属。Can someone finish up these strawberries so I don't have to throw them away?有没有人能把这些草莓吃掉省得我扔掉?Brett got into a fight and finished up with a broken wrist.贝雷特和人打了起来,结果手腕骨折。After making a fortune in business, he finished up poor at his death.他做生意发过大财,但临终时他一贫如洗。I want all you children to finish up your dinners.我希望你们孩子们每人把你们自己的饭菜吃光。They held a celebration, with a new film to finish up with.他们举行了一个庆祝会,最后放映了一部新电影。As soon as they've finished up, they kick back and wait for the next show.他们一完工就开始休息并等待下一场演出。The two cars finished up in a run-off area, clear of the circuit, and that was a mercy.两辆车最后都停在了缓冲区,避开了赛车道,真是万幸。I still have some work to finish up.我还有些工作要完成。We waited a few minutes outside his office while he finished up his meeting.我们在他办公室外等他结束会议等了几分钟。If you don't work hard, you'll finish up nowhere.如果你不勤奋,最终将一事无成。After all the argument, the writer finished up with a contract.经过这么多争论后,作家终于签订了合同。Tom eagerly finished up what was left of the champagne and chicken pie.汤姆狼吞虎咽地扫光了剩下的香槟和鸡肉馅饼。The business will finish up in failure if sales don't improve soon.如果买卖不很快地好转,这个企业结果会倒闭。




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