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词汇 Andy
例句 I'm playing Andy at tennis this afternoon.今天下午我与安迪打网球。Andy loves spreading rumours about his colleagues.安迪很喜欢散播关于同事的谣言。Andy and I talked well into the night.安迪和我一直谈到深夜。Andy knew the risks. I cannot believe he would have chanced it.安迪知道有风险,我不敢相信他竟然甘冒其险。Andy shuts himself away in his studio for hours on end when he's recording a song.安迪录歌时会把自己关在录音室达数小时。Andy's going through a rough patch at the moment - his wife wants a divorce.安迪眼下处境有点儿不顺——他老婆要跟他离婚。Andy is certainly flavour of the month with the boss.安迪显然是目前最受老板赏识的人。Do you know where Andy is?你知道安迪在哪儿吗?Andy sat down at the table and inquired as to what the problem was.安迪在桌边落座,询问出了什么问题。Andy has a fever and won't be coming into work today.安迪发烧了,今天不来上班。Andy had the heat on full blast in the car.安迪把车内的热风开到最大。So Andy put the screws on Silvester.于是安迪开始对西尔韦斯特步步紧逼。Andy, do you know when the network will be up again?安迪,你知道网络什么时候能恢复正常吗?Andy turned round, marched over to Chris and just laid him out.安迪转过身,大步走向克里斯,一拳把他击倒在地。Andy was a humble, courteous, and gentle man.安迪是一个谦恭有礼、温文尔雅的绅士。Andy isn't a very adventurous cook.安迪不是一个很大胆创新的厨师。Andy's been cooking up a storm for the party tomorrow.安迪一直在起劲儿地为明天的聚会烧饭做菜。Larry and Andy had drifted from place to place, worked at this and that.拉里和安迪从一处漂泊到另一处,干点这个又干点那个。When Claire and Andy aren't speaking, she usually calls me up to complain.克莱尔和安迪互不理睬以后,她常常给我打电话诉苦。Some of the credit for her relaxed manner must go to Andy.她会如此放松,一部分应该归功于安迪。Andy glanced up from his newspaper.安迪停下读报,抬起头来看了一眼。Andy and his wife own a vacation home near the beach.安迪和他妻子在海滩附近拥有一处度假的居所。When someone mentioned Andy's time in prison, the atmosphere grew tense.有人说到安迪坐牢的时候,气氛变得紧张起来。Andy Wilkinson chalked up his first win of the season.安迪·威尔金森取得了本赛季个人的第一场胜利。Andy Sinton is not a man given to singing his own praises.安迪·辛顿不是一个惯于吹嘘自我的人。Andy poked the fish with his finger to see if it was still alive.安迪用手指戳了戳那条鱼,看它是否还活着。Andy's face paled with disappointment; perhaps with anger as well.安迪的脸色由于失望而变得苍白,也许还掺杂着气愤。Andy was a humble, courteous and gentle man.安迪是个谦逊而且彬彬有礼的绅士。White House chief of staff Andy Card came to see the President.白宫幕僚长安迪·卡德来见总统。Don't ask Andy to enter the race - he's past it!别让安迪参加赛跑了——他年纪太大!Andy assumed an air of indifference whenever her name was mentioned.每次提到她的名字,安迪都表现出无所谓的样子。Andy was drunk and spoiling for a fight.安迪喝醉了,寻衅打架。I went through hell when Andy and I got divorced.和安迪离婚时,我经历了暗无天日的日子。Andy reeled away from the bar and knocked over his stool.安迪跌跌撞撞地离开酒吧柜台,撞倒了凳子。We didn't talk because Andy had to navigate.因为安迪得指路,我没和他说话。Watch out for Andy. He can be really sneaky.要当心安迪这家伙,他很鬼头鬼脑。He shared the honour of being the season's top scorer with Andy Cole.他和安迪・科尔一起分享了本赛季最佳得分手的荣誉称号。Andy levelled the revolver at me menacingly.安迪恶狠狠地将左轮手枪对准了我。Andy Warhol's pictures of soup cans are a famous example of pop art.安迪•沃霍尔的汤罐头盒绘画作品是有名的波普艺术作品。The police breathalysed Andy last night, but he was in the clear.警察昨晚对安迪进行了呼气酒精检测,不过他没有问题。




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