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词汇 fineness
例句 The fineness of the skies tempted her to walk on the beach.晴朗的天空使她很想去海滩散步。The hat seemed to emphasize the fineness of her large grey eyes.这顶帽子似乎使她灰色的大眼睛看上去更加漂亮了。When I look at her paintings I'm always struck by the fineness of the details.我欣赏她的画作时,总是被她对细节的精细刻画所打动。Merino wool has always been prized for its fineness and supple strength.美利奴羊毛细密、富有韧性,因此一直受到人们的珍视。It's the fineness of the thread that makes the cloth so soft.这匹布如此柔软是因为其精制的织线。Everyone admired the fineness of the workmanship.每个人都赞美这种工艺的精美。We found it difficult to grasp distinctions of such fineness.我们发现难以领会这种细微的差别。In her heart of hearts she wondered at the marvelous fineness of character of this man.在她心灵深处,这个男人性格中的非凡优雅令她惊讶。Observe the fineness of the detail in the carving.观察这尊雕刻的细微之处。The fineness and softness of the dress caught her attention.裙子的精致和柔软引起了她的注意。The effectiveness of the treatment depends in part on the fineness or otherwise of the hair.治疗的效果在一定程度上取决于头发的粗细度。That fineness of the tip is what controls the resolution of the image.笔尖的细度决定图像的分辨率。




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