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词汇 finely
例句 Roughly chop the vegetables, and keep back a little to chop finely and serve as a garnish.大致切一下蔬菜,留下一点切细用作饰菜。Remove the outside leaves and shred the cabbage finely.把卷心菜外围的菜叶去掉,然后切丝。They had to take the finely balanced decision to let the visit proceed.为了让参观得以继续,他们必须作出非常恰当的决定。Slice the onion finely.将洋葱切成细片。The issues are finely balanced and there is no simple answer to the question.这些事情有着微妙的平衡关系,这个问题并没有一个简单的答案。The cement need not be finely ground.水泥不需要磨得很细。The painting depicts a finely-dressed couple.这幅画描绘了一对衣着华丽的夫妇。Add one onion, finely chopped.加一个切碎的洋葱。All her friends think she behaved finely.她所有的朋友都认为她行为端正。Add finely chopped parsley.加入切碎的欧芹。Mince two pounds of chicken finely.把两磅鸡肉细细剁碎。Add some fresh parsley, finely chopped.加一些剁碎的新鲜欧芹。It is important to have equipment that can be finely adjusted.拥有可以精确校准的设备很重要。The lines were so finely etched as to be invisible from a distance.蚀刻的线条非常精细,离远点几乎看不到。His genius lies in finessing wood into finely crafted furniture.他的天赋在于把木料打造成工艺精良的精美家具。Add a touch of garlic and some finely chopped chilli.加少许大蒜和一些切细的辣椒。Some children have more finely trained perceptual skills than others.一些孩子比其他孩子具备更为训练有素的感知技能。These carrots are finely chopped.这些胡萝卜切得很细。Sprinkle the top of the dish with some finely grated cheese.在菜肴上撒一些磨得碎碎的干酪。The arguments are very finely balanced.论证恰到好处。She has the dancer's finely proportioned physique.她有着舞蹈演员那样曼妙匀称的身材。A language is a finely tuned instrument which it is a crime to damage.语言是一件精心调试的乐器,破坏它是一种罪过。Crush the garlic finely before adding.把大蒜压成细末后再加入。This is a fast-moving but finely observed drama.这是一部节奏紧凑但是观察入微的剧。Her finely-tuned political antennae helped her to sense problems that less experienced politicians might not detect.她敏锐的政治嗅觉使她可以意识到一些问题,而经验欠丰的从政者却可能觉察不到。They are finely engineered boats.这些船只设计制造精良。These instruments are finely set.这些仪器是经过精密调整的。Some children come to school with more finely trained perceptual skills than others.一些孩子在入学时比其他孩子受过更好的感知技能培养。The power is finely matched to the suspension.汽车悬架刚好能够承载发动机产生的动力。He wore a silk cloak over a finely embroidered robe.他在绣工精细的袍子外套了一件真丝斗篷。Chop the onions very finely.将洋葱切碎。Mix in the finely grated cheese.加入磨碎的干酪拌和。Chop the ginger very finely, almost to a mash.把姜剁碎,几近糊状。The lines were so finely etched as to be invisible from a distance.线条被蚀刻得如此精细,在远处看都看不见。James's face was thin, finely boned, and sensitive.詹姆斯面部瘦削,轮廓分明,容易过敏。Chop the ingredients finely.把原料剁碎。Chop the carrots very finely.把胡萝卜剁得很碎。Sprinkle some finely chopped cress over the top.在上面撒一些切碎的水芹。These instruments are very finely tuned.这些仪器都调得十分精确。Add the finely grated zest of one lemon.加入一个柠檬的磨碎的皮。




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