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词汇 finding
例句 The finding ran counter to all expectations.该发现出乎所有人的预料。You don't have a hope in hell of finding a job.你找工作,门儿都没有。Integrating the kids with the community, finding them a role, is essential.使孩子们融入社区并为他们找到自己的角色是非常必要的。She has a rare blood type, and finding a match could take years.她的血型罕见,要找到合适的匹配有可能需要几年时间。He left Manchester with the intention of finding a job in London.他离开曼彻斯特,打算在伦敦找一份工作。I was sleeping badly and finding it hard to concentrate.我没睡好,因此很难集中注意力。What he liked to do was to take an idea and wrestle it by finding every possible consequence.他喜欢做的事情就是先提出一个想法,然后冥思苦想,找出可能产生的各种后果。Engineers are finding new ways to harness the sun's energy to heat homes.工程师正在寻找利用太阳能给家庭供热的新方法。Many families are finding suitable housing beyond their grasp.许多家庭没有能力找到合适的住房。I'm having trouble finding another job – everyone says I'm overqualified.我另找工作有困难,人人都说我资历太高。The humour of it takes some finding.其中的幽默需花些功夫体味才行。The humour of it takes finding.其中的幽默要好好体味才能发现。We have had no luck finding accommodation.不幸的是,我们没能找到容身之处。We were caught between wanting to believe him and finding his story too unlikely for words.我们不知该相信他还是该认为他的故事太离谱。Hats off to Connie for finding such a splendid venue for a party!感谢康妮找到了这个理想的聚会地点!We need to expend more time and resources in finding a solution to the problem.我们需要花更多时间和资源来找出这个问题的解决方法。I'm finding it increasingly difficult to pay my bills.我觉得越来越无力支付帐款了。We have been unsuccessful in finding a new manager.我们没能找到一位新的经理。We had trouble finding a parking spot. 我们找停车位时遇到了麻烦。Fierce storms have been hampering rescue efforts and there is now little chance of finding more survivors.猛烈的暴风雨妨碍了救援工作的进行,现在找到更多生还者的希望已经很渺茫了。We had begun to despair of ever finding a house we could afford.我们开始对我到一栋买得起的房子不抱希望了。There isn't any hope of finding the child.完全无望找到那孩子。He was finding it increasingly difficult to make decisions.他发现越来越难以作出决定。He gave me some practical advice/help on finding a job.在找工作方面,他给了我一些切实的建议/帮助。He was sent on a fact-finding mission. = He was sent on a mission to gather information.他被派去了解情况。Don't worry about finding a place to stay. My department will take care of the arrangements.不要担心找地方住,由我的部门来安排。Our only problem is finding staff, because good programmers are really thin on the ground.我们唯一的问题是招聘员工,因为出色的程序员真的很少。I don't hold out much hope of finding a buyer.我不太指望能找到买主。It would be folly to quit your job before finding a new one.在你找到新的工作前就辞职是不明智的。He's always finding fault with my work.他总是挑我工作上的毛病。More men are finding out that the joys of work have been overrated.越来越多的男性认识到工作并没有预想的那样有乐趣。The lecture was about finding ways to break through barriers between the social classes.这个讲座探寻了消除社会阶层之间隔阂的方法。He was finding it difficult to strike a balance between his family and his work.他发现家庭和工作两者很难兼顾。I work in a school so I don't have to worry about finding someone to look after my little boy.我在学校工作,所以不用为找人照顾我年幼的儿子而操心。Tony says, he's going to get the car, and finding the money to pay for it is just a minor detail.托尼说,他要买那辆车,买车钱不过是小事一桩。I'm only interested in finding out the facts.我只对查明事实感兴趣。I'm finding it hard to keep my mind on my work. 我发现很难将注意力集中到工作上。The move represented a departure from the government's commitment to finding a peaceful solution to the crisis.这一行动与政府为此次危机寻求和平解决办法的承诺不一致。The children are finding it hard to adapt to the new school.孩子们发觉很难适应新学校。Williams is having trouble finding her rhythm on the serve.威廉姆斯找不着发球的节奏。




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