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词汇 financially
例句 I did not want to be financially indebted to him.我不想欠他的金钱债。None of the projects proved financially viable.实践证明,这些项目在财政上都不可行。The company overreached itself financially.该公司的做法超过了自己的经济实力。The firm is rock-solid financially.这个公司经济实力非常可靠。The two sprees had knocked me back financially.那两次的挥霍使我在经济上大为拮据。He remained financially dependent on his parents even as an adult.他甚至在成年后,仍然在经济上依赖父母。The divorce was a bitter parting that cost him financially as well as emotionally.离婚是苦涩的离别,他不但花费了金钱,也耗费了情感。I'm sure they'd like to help her out financially, but they're not in a position to do so.我肯定他们愿意在经济上资助她,但他们却心有余而力不足。It was no longer financially feasible to keep the community centre open.社区中心再开下去经济上无法承受。We are financially on our feet.我们在经济上是独立的。We are running on the ragged edge financially.我们正处在经济崩溃的边缘。The decision does not affect us financially.这个决定不会对我们的财务产生影响。They were in a tight spot financially. 他们经济遇到了困难。I am afraid your plan is not commercially/economically/financially/politically viable.恐怕你的计划在商业/经济/财政/政治上行不通。She attaches great value to being financially independent.她特别看重经济独立。Women are now financially independent. We have our own flats, we direct our own lives.女性如今在经济上独立了。我们有自己的公寓,我们能支配自己的生活。Losing his job put them in a tight spot financially.他的失业使他们陷入了经济困难。We wouldn't be able to manage financially without all this overtime.如果不加班,我们财务上将难以为继。Many of these teachers are struggling to survive financially.这些老师中有许多人正艰难地维持生计。The company is financially strapped and is expected to file for bankruptcy.这家公司资金短缺,预计会申请破产。Many small companies stand to lose financially if the new law is introduced.如果采用新的法规,很多小公司可能会蒙受经济损失。Don't stretch yourself too thin financially.不要在财务方面搞得力不从心。After my wife had the twins, we were struggling financially for a while.妻子生下双胞胎后,我们的生活拮据了一阵子。His cocaine habit ruined him physically and financially.他的可卡因瘾使他的身体毁了,钱财尽失。In order to stay ahead financially, truckers tend to violate speed and weight limits.卡车司机为了在经济上多得好处常常超速和超载。 The family was financially distressed.那家人经济拮据。These huge losses are going to break me financially!这些重大损失将使我倾家荡产!The gambler has hit bottom financially and emotionally.这个赌徒把钱赌得精光,情绪一蹶不振。We've been financially solvent for the last 5 years.我们过去五年都没有负债。The industry has been financially crippled by these policies.这些政策使该行业经济损失惨重。We've gone through a few financially insecure years.我们经历了好几年的金融动荡。The kids were very young and it was difficult to cope financially.这些孩子还小,经济上也不容易应付。The company is financially healthy.这家公司财务状况良好。I expect to be compensated financially.我希望能得到经济上的赔偿。He is sitting pretty financially.他在经济上非常宽裕。Many people were facing a financially bleak Christmas.许多人都面临着要过一个拮据的圣诞节。Textbook writing can be an intellectually and financially rewarding activity.编著教科书会是一件很有意义的工作,既可以使人增长知识,又可以获得经济上的回报。Poor chap, he was clearly in dire straits financially.可怜的家伙,他显然是在经济上陷入困境了。He is in a tight corner financially and badly needs US cash.他手头非常拮据,急需美元现钞。His election bid was financially backed by a soft drinks company.他的竞选得到了一家软饮料公司的资助。




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