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词汇 film studio
例句 At that time “The Modern Times” directed by Chaplin was being remade in their film studio.那时卓别林导演的《摩登时代》正在他们的电影制片厂重新摄制。The film studio grudgingly agreed to allow him to continue working.这家电影公司勉强同意让他继续工作。He borrowed evening wear from the wardrobe of the film studio where he was working.他从他工作的电影制片厂借了一套戏装当晚礼服。The film studio nixed her plans to make a sequel.电影制片厂拒绝了她拍摄续集的计划。My brother is just a minor cog in the Hollywood machine. He works as an electrician for a film studio.我哥哥只是好莱坞这个大机构的一个无名小卒。他在一家电影制片厂当电工。




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