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词汇 fill with
例句 The bill is filled with constricting amendments.该法案有很多限制性修正条款。The room was filled with steam.房间里充满了雾气。His writing is filled with ethereal abstractions.他的文章充满了虚幻缥缈的东西。He was suddenly struck with such a sense of grief that his eyes filled with tears.他突然感到非常悲伤,眼里噙满了泪水。The room filled with smoke, and it was becoming difficult to breathe.房间里全是烟,呼吸越来越困难。The darkened auditorium was filled with muttering.昏暗的礼堂里一片低声抱怨。It was a run-down neighborhood filled with drugs addicts and derelicts.这是一个破败的街区,到处都是瘾君子和流浪汉。They were reported to be unloading trucks filled with looted furniture.有人举报说他们正在从满满当当的卡车上卸洗劫来的家具。The room was filled with a strong aroma of woodsmoke.屋里弥漫着浓重的木柴烟熏味。The area was soon filled with prospectors who were mining for gold.这个地区很快就挤满了金矿勘探者。Several blue plastic boxes under the window were filled with record albums.窗下的几个蓝色塑料盒里装满了唱片。The gossip magazine is filled with rumors and scandal.花边杂志充斥着谣言和绯闻。She was filled with nausea at the sight of cruelty to animals.她看到虐待动物满腔厌恶。Her living room is also her office, filled with desks, books, papers, a testimony to her dedication to her work.她的客厅也是她的办公室,里面摆满了书桌、书籍和文件,充分证明了她的敬业精神。She was filled with excitement and apprehension.她满怀激动和担心。The station was filled with the clamour of shouting voices and movement.车站里熙熙攘攘,叫喊声不断,非常喧闹。Most TV channels are filled with junk.平庸无聊的节目占据了大多数电视频道。You can see she is just filled with tension about her job.可以看得出,她对这份工作的确感到十分紧张。Lying there beside her, he was filled with an agreeable languor.躺在她的身边,他感到慵懒而惬意。The room was filled with the sound of laughter.屋子里笑声一片。His villa is filled with evidence of his acquisitiveness.他的别墅里满是他贪婪成性的证据。The day was filled with many irritations.这一天净是些让人恼火的事。His voice filled with fatherly concern.他的声音充满了慈父般的关切。Rainforests are filled with amazing creatures.雨林中满是奇异的生灵。We were filled with admiration for him.我们很钦佩他。The auditorium soon filled with eager concert-goers.礼堂里很快就挤满了热切的音乐会常客。Soon the room is filled with Bates' mellifluous tones.很快,房间里便充满了贝茨动听的声音。The room was filled with cases of liquor.房间里堆满了成箱的酒。He was filled with guilt at having failed his parents.他因辜负了父母亲而内心深感不安。Suddenly his mind filled with the recollection of a song she used to sing.突然,他记起了一首她过去经常唱的歌。She was filled with doubt about the future.她对未来充满疑惑。This troubled city is filled with hatred, prejudice, crime, and fear.这座动荡的城市充斥着仇恨、偏见、犯罪和恐惧。The rooms were filled with wonderful works of art.这些房间里摆满了精妙绝伦的艺术品。He had a notebook that he had filled with stories and poems.他有一本笔记本,里面写满了故事和诗。The book is filled with obscene pictures.这本书充满了淫秽图片。The air was filled with the overpowering stench of decomposing vegetation.空气中充满了令人难以忍受的腐烂植物的恶臭。The shelves were filled with knickknacks.架子上摆满了小饰品。The story is filled with humorous digressions.故事里充满了幽默的插曲。The air was filled with the hum of insects.空中到处都是昆虫的嗡嗡声。The sky was filled with the whine and roar of bombers.满天都是轰炸机轰隆隆的声音。




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