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词汇 fighting
例句 How can we put an end to the fighting?我们怎样才能制止这场打斗呢?Two men fighting over a parking space were arrested earlier today.争夺车位的两名男子今天早些时候被拘捕了。People are fighting against repression and injustice.民众在与压迫和不公平作斗争。Women from the different organizations have been able to come together and agree on certain basic principles about what they, as women, are fighting for.不同组织的妇女已联合起来,并为女性要竭力争取的事定下了一些基本原则。We both got suspended for fighting.我俩因打架双双被勒令停学。Conditions are still very tense and the fighting could escalate at any time.局势仍然非常紧张,战斗随时可能升级。She was fighting off the numbness of frostbite.她在竭力摆脱冻僵的感觉。She was always fighting with him, mostly about things that didn't matter a damn.她总是和他争论,多是为了微不足道的小事。The army faced the daunting challenge of fighting a war on two fronts.军队面临要在两条战线作战的严峻挑战。Western diplomatic sources confirmed reports of fighting over the border.西方外交界消息人士证实在边境发生战斗的消息。They're fighting for the restoration of democratic rights.他们正在为恢复民主权利而斗争。Outbreaks of fighting and lawlessness marred the New Year celebrations.斗殴和一些不法行为的发生破坏了新年的节庆气氛。She was fighting back against the cancer.她在与癌症抗争。We can't ignore the risk that fighting could spread throughout the region.我们切不可忽略战斗会扩大到整个地区的危险性。Heavy fighting has been going on since the guerrillas launched their offensive.游击队发起攻击后,激战一直持续不断。Charles died fighting for his country.查尔斯在战斗中为国捐躯。He seemed fighting fit and ready for action.他看起来身体很棒,已经准备好行动了。To this day young Zulu boys practise fighting.直到现在年轻的祖鲁男孩还练习格斗。The sound of the fighting receded from my consciousness.打斗声从我的意识中退去了。There has been renewed fighting between the government forces and the rebels.政府军和叛军再度交火。They are in there fighting for peace.他们坚持不懈地为和平斗争。We are fighting for equal rights.我们正为争取平等权利而斗争。Sonja's husband is fighting at the front.索尼娅的丈夫正在前线打仗。Her condition is very serious. She's fighting for her life. 她的情况很严重,正在死亡线上挣扎。She devoted her life to fighting poverty/injustice.她将自己的生命投入到消除贫困/不公的事业之中。The fighting encroached further east.战斗进一步向东推进。He and his wife are always fighting over/about money.他和妻子总是因为钱争吵不休。The referee threw out two players for fighting.两名队员因为打架被裁判罚下场。Monrovia after the fighting is eerily quiet.战斗过后的蒙罗维亚静得让人害怕。The fighting along the border may be a preamble to war.边界地带的战役也许只是战争的前奏。Late last night, fighting broke out between gangs of rival football fans.昨天深夜,对立的足球迷帮派之间发生了打斗。You're not just going to let her say those things about you without fighting back, are you?她那样说你,你不会就此算了吧?It seemed the fighting would never stop.这场战斗似乎永远不会结束。They were fighting a war of independence against a powerful enemy.他们在与强大的敌人打一场独立战争。Humans have long dreamed of droids to do our dirty work, whether washing the dishes or fighting our wars.长期以来,人类就梦想着由机器人来完成那些类似洗盘子或者打仗的苦活。The UN had failed to stop the fighting in Rwanda.联合国未能制止发生在卢旺达的战斗。Fierce fighting broke out among the refugees.难民之间爆发了激战。The Mexican government had its hands full fighting a war on three fronts.墨西哥政府要打一场三面受敌的仗简直是穷于应付了。There was renewed fighting yesterday.昨天战斗重新打响了。Within weeks, the fighting had ballooned into full-scale war.几周内战斗就升级成为全面战争。




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