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词汇 fighters
例句 His flight had been an easy ride, encountering no fighters and little flak.他的这次飞行平安顺利,没遭到战斗机拦截,只遇上了零星的高射炮火。Many freedom fighters were imprisoned, but they never gave up the struggle.许多争取自由的斗士遭监禁,但他们从未放弃斗争。It was the first time that these two fighters had faced each other in the ring.这两名拳击手首次在拳台对阵。Guerrilla fighters seized the hospital yesterday, taking patients and staff hostage, although several dozen were later released.昨天游击队员占领了那家医院,将病人和医务人员扣为人质,然而后来有几十名人质被释放。The government has announced an immediate amnesty for rebel fighters.政府已对叛乱士兵宣布了即刻生效的赦免期限。Fire fighters responded to a false alarm at one of the college dormitories.消防员接一大学宿舍谎报的火警而出动。There are fears that other rebel fighters may join the conflict.有人害怕其他叛军士兵可能会介入这场冲突。Paramilitary fighters engaged the Marines in combat.准军事部队的指战员们和海军陆战队打了起来。How much longer will the resistance fighters be able to hold off the enemy?抵抗运动的战士们还能抵挡敌人多长时间?Fire fighters used the Jaws of Life to free the trapped victims.消防员用救生颚救出被困人员。Young enthusiasts drove across the border to join the freedom fighters who had appealed to the world for help.热血青年驾车通过边境,加入向全世界吁请帮助的自由斗士队伍。The fighters squared up and began to trade blows.拳击手摆好架势,开始对搏。There, high in the blue, were several white vapour trails left by our fighters.在那晴空高处有几条我军战斗机留下的白色拉烟。He fronted a formidable band of fighters.他率领着一队令人敬畏的士兵。We have been preparing our fighters to adjust themselves to civil society.我们一直在培训我们的战士,以使他们适应普通的社会生活。He began to tell of the fighters' heroic exploits.他开始讲述战士们的英雄事迹。Then we locked horns and went at it like two street fighters trading punches.我们当时像两个街头斗殴者一样挥拳相向,打成一团。Enemy fighters sniped at them from vacant buildings.敌军从空置的大楼里向他们打冷枪。The proceeds of the arms sales were then funneled to Contra fighters in Central America.出售武器所得的收入随后用来支持了中美洲的反政府武装组织。The city has become a way station for travelling insurgents and foreign fighters.该城市已成为流亡叛乱分子和外国武装分子的一个中途停留地。Soon both fighters were a bloody mess of flying punches.很快两个斗士就乱拳挥舞打成了一团,只见到处是血。UN officials mediated between the rebel fighters and the government.联合国官员在叛军和政府之间进行了调解。Two of the fire-fighters sustained serious injuries.有两名消防员受了重伤。The two fighters laid into each other as soon as the bell rang.铃声一响,两个拳击手就使劲对打起来。The fire was mushrooming under the ceiling when fire fighters arrived.消防队员赶到时火势正在天花板下迅速蔓延。Enemy fighters have accounted for most of our bombers, Sir.长官,敌机摧毁了我们的大部分轰炸机。The two fighters were driven off by a barrage of anti-aircraft fire.两架战斗机被防空火力网逼退。Our fighters ranged the sky above the bombers for the enemy.我方战斗机群在轰炸机上方的高空搜索敌机。You had to admire the fighters' pluck in resisting their enemy.你不得不钦佩战士们抵抗敌人的勇气。Two jet fighters were downed.两架喷气式战斗机被击落。The fighters moved south to their mountain stronghold.战士们向南行进,到达他们在山上的据点。Two British fighters made rings round a large black aeroplane.两架英国战斗机飞快超过一架黑色的大飞机飞去。The group of fighters was armed by a foreign government.这群士兵是由外国政府武装起来的。Several fighters escorted the bombers back to base.几架战斗机护卫着轰炸机群返回了基地。The Australians were widely regarded as fine fighters.大家普遍认为澳大利亚人很擅长打斗。




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