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词汇 fellows
例句 I don't like unshaven, sloppy fellows. My man must be clean-cut and well-dressed.我不喜欢没刮胡子、不修边幅的男人。我的男人一定是整洁好看、衣著得体的。People looked out for one another and were concerned about the welfare of their fellows.人们守望相助,关心着彼此的幸福。Those lazy fellows have not even swept the cobwebs away.那些懒家伙连蜘蛛网都没有扫干净。They are my fellows at school.他们是我的同学。The boy was frail and never ganged with his fellows at school.这个男孩身体虚弱,从不和同学们一起玩。Wooderson's courage earned him the respect of his fellows.伍德森的勇气赢得了同事的尊敬。She wants to protect the good reputation she enjoys among her fellows.她想要维护她在同伴中的良好声誉。I only associate with good decent fellows.我只和正派的好人交往。Most fellows of your age want to sow their oats.大多数你这个年龄的人想要纵情玩乐。He's eager to rejoin his fellows.他渴望重新与他的同伴们待在一起。He stood out in terms of competence from all his fellows.他在能力上远远胜过其他同事。I was on my own and these fellows came along towards me.我正一个人走着,一些家伙朝我走过来。




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