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词汇 fell over
例句 A sudden hush fell over the room as the head teacher entered.校长一进门,房间顿时变得鸦雀无声。He fell over this time, flat on his back with his legs wide.他这次摔倒了,背部着地,两腿大叉。A sudden silence fell over the room.整个房间突然静了下来。His legs gave way under him and he fell over.他的腿一软,整个人跌倒在地。The tree fell over during the storm.这棵树在下暴雨时倒了。The acrobat almost fell over but quickly recovered.那杂技演员差一点跌倒,但很快恢复了平衡。The room was dark, and Stan nearly fell over a chair as he stumbled to the phone.房间里很黑,斯坦跌跌撞撞地走向电话,差点被一把椅子绊倒。He tripped and fell over. 他被绊了一下,摔倒了。The children fell over each other to take the parcel from the teacher.孩子们争先恐后地从教师手中接这个包裹。One of the children fell over.其中一个孩子跌倒了。A shadow fell over her work and she looked up to see who was there.一道影子落在她手头的活儿上,她抬起头来看看是谁。The chair fell over and banged the wall.椅子翻倒,撞在了墙上。His dark hair fell over his face.他那深色的头发垂落下来,盖在他的脸上。She slipped and fell over.他滑了一下跌倒了。Two men walked in and went up to the bar. A hush fell over the room.两个男人走了进来并走向吧台,房间里变得鸦雀无声。As he fell over he grabbed at the table for support.他摔倒的时候伸手抓住桌子作支撑。The car fell over a cliff and the driver was drowned.汽车从悬崖上摔落了下来,司机淹死了。He fell over and landed on his seat.他倒了下去,摔了个屁股蹲儿。She tripped and fell over.她绊了一下,摔倒了。He was so drunk he fell over in the road.他喝得烂醉,跌倒在马路上。I scraped my elbow when I fell over.我摔倒时擦伤了肘部。Carey fell over and broke his leg while playing ice hockey.凯里打冰球时跌了一跤,摔断了腿。He fell over the cliff's edge.他从悬崖边上掉了下去。A couple of trees fell over during the storm.几棵树在暴风中被刮倒了。Stewart was so drunk he fell over.斯图尔特喝得酩酊大醉,都摔倒了。She fell over several times, but came to no harm in the soft new snow.她摔倒了几次,但是新雪软软的,她没有受伤。A hush fell over the crowd and I knew something terrible had happened.人群变得鸦雀无声,我知道一定发生了什么可怕的事情。He fell over a rock in his path.他被路上的一块石头绊倒了。His hair fell over his brow as he turned his head.他转头时头发覆到了额头上。There was no wind; the tree just fell over.没有风,这棵树是自己倒下的。Her blond hair fell over her eyes.她的金发遮住了眼睛。Sam fell over in his eagerness to reach the telephone.萨姆急着去接电话,结果却摔倒了。A hush fell over the audience.观众顿时静了下来。Mother fell over herself to get the party ready.母亲特别卖力地把晚会准备好。Furniture fell over as the room was shaken by an earth tremor.房间在地颤中晃动,家具都倒了。She wouldn't know a bargain if she fell over one!即便明摆着的好买卖她也看不出来!He got so excited when we scored that he fell over.我们得分时他兴奋得摔倒了。The chair wobbled under her weight and then fell over.那椅子承受不住她的重量,摇摇晃晃,接着就倒了。Then she fell over backwards into the flowerbed - it was absolutely classic!然后她仰面倒进了花坛——真是太滑稽了!The candle fell over and set light to the barn.蜡烛倒了,引燃了谷仓。




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