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词汇 fees
例句 She commands one of the highest fees per film in Hollywood.她是好莱坞片酬最高的演员之一。The introduction of tuition fees would create inequality between universities.开始收取学费将会造成各大学之间的不平衡。Prompt payment of your bill ensures that you will not have to pay any additional fees.及时支付账单能够确保不用支付额外费用。That's it. I've had it. I won't pay these kinds of fees any more.就这样了。我受够了,再也不付这种费用了。A Registered Osteopath will be pleased to tell you his scale of fees before you decide on a consultation.在病人决定是否就诊之前,注册整骨医师会很乐意告知其收费标准。The grant covers the costs of tuition, fees and textbooks.助学金够付学费和课本费。They can't offer us a sweetheart deal on the rental fees we pay.在租金问题上他们不可能私下给我们优惠。We had to break into our savings to pay the hospital fees.我们只得动用存款支付医疗费。The company used its monopoly control to charge exorbitant fees.该公司利用其垄断控制地位收取畸高的费用。He and colleagues raked off millions of dollars in unauthorised fees.他和同事非法收取了数百万美元的费用。They didn't want to fork out those exorbitant lawyer's fees.他们不想支付高昂的律师费。People skilled in these arts could command good fees for their services.精于这类技艺的人们提供的服务可获得高额酬金。The hotel, airfare, and museum fees were all part of our vacation package.住宿、机票和博物馆门票都包含在我们的度假套餐里。Students can pay fees in termly instalments.学生可以按学期交纳学费。The case will cost thousands of pounds in legal fees alone.这个案子仅律师费一项就要数千英镑。Card providers charge retailers fees on a percentage basis.发卡机构按百分比向零售商收取费用。We will send John along to collect the fees.我们将派约翰去收费。Vets' fees can be considerable, even for routine visits.即使是常规检查,兽医的收费也会相当高。The low price is deceptive. Many fees are added to it before the purchase is complete.这个低价带有欺骗性。采购完成前会附加许多笔费用。Additional security fees apply.适用额外的安全收费。He will have to fork out for private school fees for Nina.他将不得不为尼娜支付私立学校的学费。For months dentists and the health department have been at loggerheads over fees.数月来牙医们与卫生部门就收费问题争执不下。Customs fees are paid in advance as part of your airline ticket.海关手续费包含在机票内预先支付。You'll need money to cover fees and expenses.你需要钱支付费用和支出。They charge higher fees to overseas students.他们向留学生收取较高的费用。They had to use part of their retirement nest egg to pay for their son's college fees.他们不得不动用部分退休金来支付儿子念大学的费用。All fees are payable when the invoice is issued.发票开出就应支付各种费用。The American government does not pay the legal fees of Americans who are arrested abroad.美国公民境外被捕,美国政府不为他们支付律师费。Use of the car is penalized by increasing parking fees.通过提高停车费,变相制裁车辆的使用。The main grievance of the drivers is the imposition of higher fees for driving licences.让驾驶员深感不满的是驾驶执照收费的提高。They decided in favour / favor of reducing the fees.他们决定减少费用。She won the court case, but it was a Pyrrhic victory because she had to pay so much in legal fees.她赢了这场官司,但得不偿失,因为她得支付高额诉讼费。University students rioted in protest at tuition fees.大学生闹事抗议学费过高。Many practitioners have a sliding scale of fees.许多从业者都采用浮动制计费。Improved services for phone customers have been counterbalanced by higher fees.电话客户服务得到改善,但增加的费用又把这好处抵消了。The new fees will counteract state cuts in the school's budget.新收取的费用将抵消州政府对学校预算的削减。She is seeking recompense for medical fees.她正在寻求补偿医疗费。Students may apply for an award for payment of fees.学生可以申请奖学金来交学费。It cost thousands of pounds to stage the concert, including performers’ fees and the hire of equipment.举办这场音乐会要花费数千英镑,包括表演者的费用及设备的租金。The news of the steep fees provoked much hilarity.能拿高薪酬的消息激起了一片欢愉。




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