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词汇 feel
例句 There was no mistaking the approach of winter; he could feel its bite.不会错,冬天即将来临,他已经感到了寒意。The film has the feel of a man who is curiously disengaged from his material.这部电影给人一种创作者与他的素材反常地保持疏离的感觉。No wonder the nurses feel let down - they were promised a big pay increase, but nothing has happened.难怪护士会感到失望。先是答应给她们大幅度提高工资,但后来就只字不提了。We all feel very empty now she's gone.她走了,我们都觉得心里空荡荡的。Do you feel you've gained anything spiritually from the experience?通过这次经历,你是否觉得精神上有所收获?He always does/says just the right thing to make me feel better.他总是知道该做/该说什么能让我感觉好一些。Unused muscles can feel very sore when you start exercising.刚刚开始锻炼的时候,不常运动的肌肉会感到酸痛。I was beginning to feel a little faint.我开始觉得有点儿晕了。The dentist gave me an injection that took effect almost immediately, and I didn't feel a thing.牙医给我打了一针,这一针几乎立刻就见效,我什么感觉都没有了。I feel sorry for him, but he's not exactly blameless.我为他感到难过,但他并不是完全没有责任。It was getting late and I was starting to feel a bit empty.天色晚了,我开始感觉到肚子有点儿饿。Incidents at the school have made students feel unsafe.学校发生的这些事令学生们感到安全得不到保障。If you skip breakfast, your blood sugar level will drop and you will probably feel light-headed.如果不吃早餐,血糖含量就会降低,你很可能会觉得晕眩。There was nothing Lucy liked more than the feel of fur against her skin.露西最喜欢动物的软毛贴着皮肤的感觉。I feel so empty, my life just doesn't seem worth living any more.我觉得非常空虚,生活似乎根本不值得继续下去。When no replies came, I began to feel downhearted.一点回应都没有,我开始感到灰心了。I should have told Helen I was sorry. I feel really bad that I didn't.我应该跟海伦说对不起的,我非常后悔我没有说。You feel an overwhelming ache for support from others.你会感到一种想要获得他人支持的渴望。He constantly belittled me and made me feel worthless.他不断贬低我,让我觉得自己一无是处。How do you feel about going back to the neighborhood?.对回到这个街区你有何感想?Knowing they were watching me made me feel very self-conscious.知道他们正看着我时,我觉得很不好意思。He started to feel sick at the banquet.他在宴会上开始觉得恶心。I want the job, but I'm young and I don't have much experience, so I feel like I already have two strikes against me.我想得到这份工作,但是我年轻而且缺乏经验,所以我觉得已经有两条不利因素了。You need to feel confident that the candidate is the right match.你应该相信这个候选人就是合适的人选。You'll feel a slight prick in your arm.你的手臂上将有一种轻微的刺痛感。By the time you actually feel thirsty, your body is already slightly dehydrated.等到你感到口渴时,你的身体实际上已经轻度脱水了。I know how you feel.我理解你的感受。He could feel the arctic chill creeping into the cabin.他能感觉到凛冽的寒气钻进小木屋里。Both sides feel a real desire for peace.双方都真切地期望和平。Smokers often feel as though they are being treated as social outcasts.吸烟者常常觉得自己是被社会排斥的一群人。I don't feel at all gloomy about the planet's long-term prospects.我对地球的远景一点也不担忧。Every time I think about it I feel physically sick.一想起那件事我就恶心得想吐。I always feel a little sad when the end of the school year comes around.学年结束时,我总感觉有些失落。The number of teardowns has an impact on the look and feel of a place.待拆房屋的数量影响着一个地方的容貌和给人的感觉。Young people don't feel they have a stake in the country's future.年轻人觉得自己与国家的未来没有关系。She's got a feel for this kind of work.她有做这种工作的天分。I don't feel I can answer for any of them.我觉得我无法为他们中的任何一个作保。I feel like I'm starving to death.我感到自己似乎快饿死了。I still feel bitterness and anger towards the person who knocked me down.我仍然对撞倒我的人愤恨不已。I've eaten so much, I actually feel uncomfortable.我吃了这么多,实在感觉很不舒服。




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