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词汇 fatten
例句 You're too skinny — we'll have to fatten you up.你太瘦了,我们要把你养胖些。My parents are always trying to fatten me up.我父母老是要把我喂得胖胖的。The lower costs of doing business abroad can fatten corporate profits.在国外开展业务成本较低,可以增加公司利润。The Government is making the taxpayer pay to fatten up a public sector business for private sale.政府正在用纳税人的钱壮大一家公有企业,再进行私人认购。Bears need to fatten up for the winter.熊需要长膘过冬。His mother tried to fatten her up on good home cooking.他母亲想方设法做好吃的饭菜把她养胖。He would fatten cattle for slaughter.他会喂肥牛群以供宰杀。The women in his family were always trying to fatten him up.他家里的女人们一直都想让他长胖些。The creature continued to grow and fatten.这个家伙继续长大、变肥。You're just trying to fatten me up.你这是在给我催肥呢。




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