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词汇 fathers
例句 Sons are traditionally expected to emulate their fathers.历来认为儿子会仿效父亲。Too many fathers lose contact with their children after divorce.很多父亲离婚后与自己的孩子们失去了联系。The rights of unmarried fathers are not covered by this legislation.这部法律并未规定未婚父亲的权利。The government plans to make absent fathers pay maintenance for their children.政府计划让不在子女身边的父亲支付抚养费。Our fathers were exiles from their native land.我们的祖先被迫流落他乡。It's quite common now for fathers to be present at the birth of their babies.现在,孩子出生时父亲在场是很普遍的事。His book is concerned with the changing role of fathers.他的书写的是父亲角色的变化。The evidence suggests that single fathers are more likely to work than single mothers.这一证据显示,单身父亲比单身母亲更有可能去工作。Some fathers are jealous of the attention a new baby receives, even if they won't admit it.有些做父亲的会因为新生婴儿吸引了别人的注意力而妒忌,尽管他们不肯承认。Sons are traditionally expected to emulate their fathers.传统上认为儿子理应效仿父亲。He observed that leukaemia in children was more common if the fathers had been heavily irradiated.他注意到,如果父亲受过大量辐照的话,孩子得白血病的情况就更常见。New fathers love bottle-feeding their babies.刚当上爸爸的人喜欢用奶瓶喂他们的宝宝。Now he slept quietly with his fathers.此刻他安静地躺在祖坟中。There is still not widespread acceptance that fathers can care for children as well as mothers do.父亲和母亲一样能照顾好孩子的事实还是没有得到普遍接受。Families reported widespread hardship directly related to absentee or alcoholic fathers.许多家庭都反映与父亲弃家不归或酗酒有直接联系的困难。Some fathers might have ranted and thumped the table.有些父亲可能已经发脾气拍桌子了。Absentee fathers will be forced to pay child maintenance.父亲不和子女共同生活将会被强制要求支付孩子的抚养费。Sons followed their fathers' trade with a high degree of regularity.大多数情况都是子承父业。Many women whose fathers left home unconsciously expect to be betrayed by their own mates.许多经历过父亲离家出走的女性潜意识里认为配偶会背叛自己。I draw attention to a matter that seems very serious to me and to other Council fathers.我请大家关注一个似乎需要我和其他理事会领袖严肃对待的问题。The same is true for fathers who tyrannize their families.对于专横对待家人的父亲而言,也同样如此。The city fathers decided to allow Ramsay to stay open.市政府高级官员决定允许拉姆齐继续营业。Will the city fathers agree to it?城邦的元老会同意这件事吗?Most of the boys wore hand-me-down military shirts from their fathers.多数男孩子穿着自己父亲穿过的旧军装衬衫。They still follow the tradition of their fathers.他们仍然继承著他们祖先的传统。Our sons will pay for the sins of their fathers.我们的子孙将为他们父辈所犯的罪付出代价。Mothers try to hold fathers up as role models.母亲们想让父亲们成为孩子的榜样。They have to find the fathers who abandon their children and make them pay maintenance.他们不得不寻找那些抛弃孩子的父亲,让他们支付赡养费。The city fathers have just given final approval to a new stadium.市政官员刚刚决定同意建立一座新体育馆。Only one third get financial help from their fathers.只有三分之一的人得到父亲的经济援助。New fathers love bottle feeding their babies.刚当上爸爸的人喜欢用奶瓶喂他们的宝宝。New fathers often feel left out when baby arrives.有了小宝宝以后,初为人父者往往有一种被冷落的感觉。The city fathers have banned smoking in public places.市政府官员已明令禁止在公共场所吸烟。Children's ideas of masculinity tend to come from their fathers.儿童对男子气的看法往往来自他们的父亲。The bill was designed to permit new fathers to take time off work.该议案旨在允许初为人父者休假。He is now recognized as one of the founding fathers of the environmental movement.现在他被认为是环保运动的发起人之一。Spanish was the language of their fathers.西班牙语是他们祖先的语言。Many women whose fathers left home unconsciously expect to be betrayed by their partners.许多经历过父亲离家出走的女性潜意识里认为配偶会背叛自己。She inherited the land on which her fathers toiled.她继承了祖先耕种过的那片土地。




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