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词汇 far too
例句 Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation is still far too widespread.以性取向为理由的歧视仍然太普遍了。She's always got far too much to say for herself.她总是有一大堆的借口。The prosecution complained that Gutierrez's sentence was far too lenient.控方抱怨说对古提雷兹的量刑太轻。Anna is far too shambolic to be able to run a business.安娜做事太缺乏头绪,经营不了公司。She spends far too much energy worrying about her daughter.她费了太多太多的精力为女儿操心。You'd be hopeless taking care of children - you're far too impatient!照看孩子你是不行的——你太没有耐心了!The window was far too small for him to get through.窗户对他来说实在太小,他钻不过去。The speaker took far too long working up to his main point.演讲者讲了好久才讲到主题。He was far too preoccupied with his own marital difficulties to give any thought to his friend's problems.他一心想着自己的婚姻难题,一点都没有考虑朋友的问题。Rottweilers are vicious dogs, far too dangerous to have as pets.罗威纳狗是一种凶猛的动物,当宠物养太危险了。Some supermodels are far too skinny.有些超级模特儿也太瘦骨嶙峋了。The present A-level system requires schoolchildren to specialize far too narrowly.目前的中学高级水平考试体系要求学生专注的面过于狭窄。The whole controversy is far too much ado about absolutely nothing.这场争论完完全全是无事生非。We wanted to buy that painting, only it was far too expensive.我们想买那幅画,但它实在是太贵了。She is far too sensible to believe these ridiculous lies.她很聪明,不会去相信这些荒谬的谎言的。The recent improvements should not obscure the fact that general standards are still far too low.近来的进步不应掩盖普遍标准仍很低这一事实。They push themselves far too hard and overtax their strength.他们过于拼命,体力消耗严重。The room was small and contained far too much furniture.房间太小,而家具太多。In all honesty, aren't there already far too many pages of scientific research published every week?.说实话,不是已经每周都有连篇累牍的科学研究论文发表了吗?I'm not buying the children anything else today - I've spent far too much money as it is.今天我不会再给孩子们买任何别的东西了——我花的钱已经太多了。You eat far too much.你吃得太多了。He considered this name far too fanciful.他认为这样的名字太怪了。The law seemed like a good idea in theory, but in practice it has proved far too expensive.这条法律从理论上来看是个很好的设想,但实际实施起来却是代价太大了。We overestimated how long the journey would take, and arrived far too early.我们多估了路上所需的时间,到得太早了。A lot of models look far too thin.许多模特儿看起来太瘦了。The surveys took up far too much time, and they were difficult to understand.这些民意调查太费时,也很难理解。They behaved far too well for their context, which was mostly Detroit.多数时间他们生活在底特律,在这样的环境里,他们的举止显得太过文雅。This English poem is far too hard to translate.这首英文诗非常难译。She was far too busy to gossip with her neighbours.她太忙了,没工夫跟邻居闲聊。Our current methods of production are far too expensive.我们现在的生产方式花费太高。I think young criminals are let off far too lightly.我觉得对年轻罪犯的判刑太轻了。He was one of my most able pupils, but far too easily distracted by frivolities.他是我最有才华的学生之一,不过就是太容易为一些无聊的事分心。The rap against Conn was that he was far too reckless.科恩被人们认为做事太不计后果。The impact of religion on voting has been analysed far too simplistically.有关宗教对选举的影响的分析太过简单了。The car is far too expensive.那辆汽车实在太贵了。He wouldn't last five minutes in the police force - it's far too tough for him.他在警察队伍里呆不了多久——他受不了那份苦。Dad was obviously far too absorbed in his own difficulties to be interested in mine.爸爸显然对他自己的困难太关注了,所以就没兴趣管我的事了。He's far too macho to drink mineral water.他太讲究男子气概,不会喝矿泉水的。I think they've been messed around far too much.我认为他们被耍得太过头了。Davies's writing is far too off-centre to be commercial.戴维斯的作品由于太过怪诞而难以获得商业成功。




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